- Would you like to feel my breasts? - I think that's enough for tonight. - You're right. - Don't give away the farm. - A little roughhouse? - We should wait.
We're the Millers
- Uh, Casey. - Aw, that's very sweet of you. He wants to know how we made Casey so hot. - It's, uh... - You guys had to... DAVID: What'd you ask us? - ...seminate, like, each other? Uh... Sorry'? - [MOUTHS] Oh, my God. - Like, is there a way to make them, like... attractive? Like, kids?
We're the Millers
- Shut down lane one. - It's medicinal.
We're the Millers
You know what, a Fresca sounds really good. - You got it. DAVID: Appreciate it. Hold on one second. You guys want anything? It's on me.
We're the Millers
Well, who loves campfire games? EDIE: Oh, Don.
We're the Millers
Got used to it. Sorry. ROSE: And so I'm embarrassed, actually.
We're the Millers
Oh, God. Really? That guy?
We're the Millers
I have failed you, senior. If you saw this gringo again would you recognize him?
We're the Millers
Sorry to inconvenience you, folks. This happens a lot. You have a nice day.
We're the Millers
But, yeah, I was spying on her. She was unloading this U-Haul all by herself.
We're the Millers
Thanks for the backup. Why the counting?
We're the Millers
Okay. Heh-heh-heh. Dirtier the better. Heh. - Heh, heh. EDIE: Okay, watch your step.
We're the Millers
We're the Millers
SCOTTIE: Text me, girl. I gotta bounce.
We're the Millers
I got an idea. Leave the girl alone. Just move along. Huh, what do you say?
We're the Millers
Ow! Shit! Fuck, fucking... Ow, ow! Ow, ow, ow! - Oh, my God. Fucking shit! Fuck! DAVID: What the hell is he doing? Fuck a donkey! It hurts so much. Settle down, man. What the hell's going on? Oh, my God! I'm gonna die. Kenny, listen to me. Calm down, all right? Not gonna die. Tell us what's going on. - Tell us what happened. - Fucking spider bit me, David! - What? Where did it happen? - Bit me on my balls.