ROSE: Oh, really? What golden advice did you follow that ended with you on the streets?
We're the Millers
No, no. I mean, loaded down like this in a 15-ton vehicle... going up a 10 percent grade.
We're the Millers
I'm gonna try to find help. - Yeah, fuck this. I'm going with her. Bye. - What?
We're the Millers
Ah, come on.
We're the Millers
CASEY: Wait up! ROSE: Ugh. Ridiculous!
We're the Millers
[HORN HONKS] What the hell is this?
We're the Millers
Okay. Actually, that's fine. Good idea. Okay, hurry back though, please. "Oh, I have a plan." Really? Good plan. You don't have any plans.
We're the Millers
- Wait, what are we gonna do now? - I don't kno...
We're the Millers
Shut the fuck up, Kenny.
We're the Millers
Oh, 0h, 0h! One more sec, okay? Hold on, one second. Don't freak. EDIE: When you're a synchronized swimmer... you can't use a maxi pad, you can see it. So my friend bought me a box of tampins. And I'll tell you, I had a hard time inserting those. - It would just stick halfway out. ROSE: Mm-hm.
We're the Millers
- That was such a detailed story, Edie. - Thank you! You gotta do a one-woman show. It's, like, so many layers, you know?
We're the Millers
Well, look at this cute little couple of hitchhikers. We're here to save your bacon.
We're the Millers
I can't even get a signal.
We're the Millers
If you're into that kind of mean, pretty thing.
We're the Millers
And that is how I found out I was born with a shallow vagina.
We're the Millers
DAVID: Okay. All right. Where did we first meet. Um... It's great. Well, that would have been when Rose moved into my apartment building. - Ah. That's right. DAVID: Mm-hm. [GASPS] I remember watching her through the crack in my door as she was... Wait, you were spying on me? Now, hon, just because you've heard it a thousand times... doesn't mean you should interrupt. Don't be rude.
We're the Millers
All right, all right, calm down. Okay. Just calm down, all right? I got this. Watch.