I can't watch whatever process is about to happen. Now unbutton your buttons. I'm a federal agent! I know, and you look like one. You think you'll bump into him and he won't think something's up? Fine. How's that? Is that good? Can we go?
The Heat
I've got to drive the school bus tomorrow! It's my shift. - It's my shift! - Here we go. I didn't get your number! I'll find you. I'll find you.
The Heat
If we grab Julian, I can get into his head. We'll have Larkin by tonight.
The Heat
It really is a good thing. You'll thank me. Shut up!
The Heat
Wow, you are just all stick and no sugar.
The Heat
It's already here.
The Heat
Use your boobs!
The Heat
How long will this take? Maybe 12 hours, hopefully less. I have to find out what drives him. We could just beat him with a phonebook. No! For so many reasons, no. You just need to be patient, all right? It is crucial that you remain patient.
The Heat
You know what that girl's not? That girl's not cool. My favorite part is you only have two signatures... ...both by teachers. Mrs. Burke said, "Have a good summer." That's a personal touch.
The Heat
Looks like you were pretty cool in high school, huh? Yes. Yes, I was. But what... Because you weren't.
The Heat
Police! Put your hands up! FBI! Get your fucking hands in the air now! Let's see 'em!
The Heat
They shot him and left him out in the street.
The Heat
I guess you and her are engaged now, huh? What? Well, because... ...you just gave me a ring, motherfucker! Oh, shit!
The Heat
Do the cop drop. I'm trying to! Do the fucking cop drop! I can't do it from this position!
The Heat
You said you would stay off my case, and now I find you in front of Tatiana's apartment.
The Heat
And you're gonna tell me when and where that shipment is coming in. Okay?