See, you make payments over what you owe and it doesn't show up as cash, it shows up as a negative loan balance. It's never reported to anyone. IRS, DEA... This money is invisible. How much does he have?
This is a bank line of credit.
MAN: Oh, damn, that's smart. KATE: What?
They just seized $17 million. - It's a bogus bust, Kate. - What? You can't prosecute it. No one controls who deposits money in an account. An attorney will have that money back in a few months, but a lot of heads will roll before that. But we can arrest Manuel for now. We can get him off the street. We gotta get Manuel called back to Mexico. That's the objective. We have no jurisdiction in Mexico.
- So, it doesn't have to be reported. - That's right. And you can seize those? I already have. And I'll go through these wire transfer numbers and freeze all these accounts as well.