Drop your weapon! On the ground! Hands where I can seem 'em! - Don't move! - Get them cuffed!
Hitman: Agent 47
Why Tamil? Because your mother was from Sri Lanka.
Hitman: Agent 47
This is no good.
Hitman: Agent 47
I work for a corporation called Syndicate International, and I'm here to protect you. From who? His name is 47, and he's an Agent. And right now the only thing standing between you and him, is me. If you don't do everything I say, everything, he will kill you.
Hitman: Agent 47
The Syndicate headquarters are in Singapore.
Hitman: Agent 47
Is something wrong, Miss van Dees?
Hitman: Agent 47
Let's see.
Hitman: Agent 47
What kind of experiments?
Hitman: Agent 47
He'll be there in the morning about 9:00. It's when the orchids are in full bloom.
Hitman: Agent 47
To draw them toward you.
Hitman: Agent 47
You listen to me very carefully, Mr. 47, or whatever the fuck your name is. There's a lot of ways this thing can end, and that is entirely up to you. But you can be goddamn certain that this thing is not gonna end the way that you thought it was. 'Cause the last time I checked, you're locked in here with me, and I'm the one with the gun. No, Mr. Sanders. You are locked in here with me, and you just brought me mine.
Hitman: Agent 47
He was Stage III then.
Hitman: Agent 47
Will I?
Hitman: Agent 47
Your employers are attempting to restart the Agent Program.
Hitman: Agent 47
Now, get down. Get down, please! Papa! You will live.
Hitman: Agent 47
What do they want? More of me. Why would anyone want more of you?