-How can I help? -Just go along, as if you know nothing. -I've already made my move. -What move?
The Godfather Part II
Relax, we're taking you to the hospital.
The Godfather Part II
He's been waiting a half hour.
The Godfather Part II
He won't be back. He'll hide out in the Bronx!
The Godfather Part II
-You heard what happened? -I almost died. We were so relieved... In my home! In my bedroom where my wife sleeps! Where my children come to play. In my home.
The Godfather Part II
I'll lower it $5.
The Godfather Part II
But don't tell her about it. She's very proud.
The Godfather Part II
Is it a deal?
The Godfather Part II
-New York City. -Would you speak up, please?
The Godfather Part II
Jesus Christ, what the hell time is it? -Who's that, honey? -Listen good, Fredo. Why are you calling me? I don't want to talk to you. Pentangeli is going to accept the Rosato brothers' deal. -Oh, God. -Will he come alone? I don't know. You've got me in deep enough already. Everything will be all right. Pentangeli says he's willing to make a deal. All we want to know is if he's on the level, or if he'll bring his boys. You lied to me. I don't want you to call me anymore. -Your brother won't find out we talked. -I don't know what you're talking about.
The Godfather Part II
I understand.
The Godfather Part II
It wouId be a shame, Mr. Chairman, if we aIIowed a few rotten appIes to give a bad name to the whoIe barreI. Because from the time of Christopher CoIumbus to the time of Enrico Fermi to the present day, ItaIian-Americans have been pioneers in buiIding and defending our nation.