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I didn't think so either... but so much is surprising me lately.
The Favourite
- [SARAH COUGHS] - Good night, Lady Marlborough.
The Favourite
It is better, though.
The Favourite
The Favourite
ANNE: Don't. No, don't.
The Favourite
The Favourite
The Favourite
- FOOTMAN: The prime minister and Mr. Harley. - SARAH: What is it? HARLEY: A thousand pardons, Your Majesty, but word from the front.
The Favourite
- You will do as I say. - [KNOCKING]
The Favourite
SARAH: She is a viper. [FOOTSTEPS] You're jealous.
The Favourite
I do not want to.
The Favourite
Now, you did very well with the divisions. - ANNE: Yes, I know I did. - However, the two new cabinet positions, they must stay with the Whigs.
The Favourite
Let them go to the party now. Of course, Your Majesty. SARAH: What party? It happened while you were gone.
The Favourite
It is good to see you home and looking so well, Lady Marlborough.
The Favourite
Thank you, gentlemen. Keep me informed of progress.
The Favourite
He needs a garrison to attack the coast.
The Favourite
What a strange sight you are, my dear.
The Favourite
Do you understand?
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