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[inhales deeply] [sighing] Hmm!

Murder Mystery 2

I'm gonna need your phones. - Need our phones? - Why? - [Miller] They're compromised. - Oh, okay. We'll get 'em back, right? These are brand-new. We got 'em for free. In the gift bags. They gave 'em to us-- [booming]

Murder Mystery 2

[Nick sighs] So 45 seconds, and it starts... now.

Murder Mystery 2

- [machines beeping] - [Colonel] They're here.

Murder Mystery 2

Hi. Kidnapper, how are you? [kidnapper] Is this the man who tried to stop me on my escape? Yes, yes, yes, the man you shot at. Luckily, I got out of the way. [chuckles] Tell me what we can do to get Vik back safely. That's all we really care about. [kidnapper] For the return of the Maharajah, we require $50 million. [splutters] Fifty putos millones? - Sh! - [line clicks] [alarm beeps] Francisco, you think this is The Price Is Right, screaming out numbers? Way too much money for just one guy. Great. Just lost the trace. Thanks. - It's my fault? This guy's yelling shit-- - Why are you yelling at me? - You were directing at me-- - I yelled at that guy! The guy's hammered right now, and I'm catching shit for it! There's the "taking-a-toll-on-the-marriage" thing. Excuse me! At least we are married. Yeah. Calm down. This is how we communicate. We're from New York. Can we remain calm? - I'm sorry. Of course. - We're calm. He wants the money. He's gonna call back. - [Audrey] Relax. - [Nick] Yup. - [phone ringing] - [Nick] Here we go. Okay. - [Miller] Here we go. - Got this! Forty-five seconds starts again now. Sorry about that, man. A lot of anxious people here. One drunk guy. We all got that friend. [kidnapper] The price just went up to 60. [groaning] They say, "Great. No problem." [kidnapper] You will bring $60 million in untraceable bearer bonds to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night and wait with this phone for further instructions. Hello, excuse me. I'm so sorry to interrupt. But we are going to need unequivocal evidence that the hostage is still alive. [kidnapper] You will receive proof of life before the exchange. - Cool. - Thank you very much. [kidnapper] Arc de Triomphe, 8:00 p.m., or the Maharajah dies.

Murder Mystery 2

You gotta tell me who on earth ever called you "Nicky Guns." You gotta tell me who didn't call me that. Everybody called me that. This is the heaviest goddamn case of money I've ever felt. Why couldn't they Venmo? This thing weighs... My hands are killing me. I'm gonna go two hands. Does that look weird? - [Audrey] Your hands are cute. - [Nick] "Cute"? What does that mean? - You have cute hands. - Your family has orangutan ha-- You grew up thinking giant hands are normal. [Audrey] I never said dainty hands. I said it's weird to high-five you 'cause your hands are little. [Nick] They're average hands. - Your grandmother can palm a bulldog. - [Audrey] Oh, please. [phone ringing] Shit, shit, shit. That's the phone. Okay, here we go. Initiate the trace. Hi. Bonjour, uh, madame or mademoiselle or monsieur. Go ahead. [Vik] Nick, it's me! [screams] [Nick] Rajah! You okay? So we got the money, and we just need to know where to bring it. So tell us, and we'll get you out of there. - [Vik yelps] - What happened? [kidnapper] You have your proof of life. Now take the money to the van at the curb. Okay. - Wh-- Wh-- What van? - Van? What van are we talking about? That van there? [kidnapper] Don't point, you idiot! Just casually walk in that direction. Okay. Okay. I'm coming. [kidnapper] Anything out of the ordinary, and the Maharajah dies. Don't do that. Okay, we're coming.

Murder Mystery 2

- [Miller] He's calling back in a minute. - Okay. You need to keep him calm, keep him talking. - We need at least-- - Forty-five seconds. - I know. It's not my first rodeo, pal. - You've done hostage negotiation? I'm married to this lady. Everything's a negotiation. I got it. Appreciate it. [cell phone ringing] [tense music playing]

Murder Mystery 2

Perfect. You'll be fine. Off you go. - Okay. - "Nicky Guns" style. Let's go! [tense music playing]

Murder Mystery 2

The voice jumbling thing you got on your... It's hard to understand you. - The location, yes. - Can you do that again? Where is it? - [kidnapper] Arc de Triomphe. - [Nick] This is what you sound like... [Nick imitating distorted voice] - [Nick] That's what we hear. - [kidnapper] Arc de Triomphe! Okay, so Arctic Tree Hump.

Murder Mystery 2

How's my reasoning, fellow... detectives? - Pretty excellent. None of it was true. - Gorgeous. I was starting to go with it 'cause of the way you phrase things. - I almost believed him. - The accent helps.

Murder Mystery 2

We gotta go to the van. - That van? - No! Don't point. He doesn't like pointing. That van.

Murder Mystery 2

- Cool. - I'm gonna hand you this.

Murder Mystery 2

[yells, pants] [yells]

Murder Mystery 2

[Audrey] People, move!

Murder Mystery 2

[brakes squeal] [crowd gasps and exclaims] [gasps] What? [horn honks] Oh my God! Sweetheart, you're not just a mass murderer. You're an axe murderer! [yells] [Audrey] Honey, he's moving. Oh my God. I think he might be... He might be okay. [groans] Those are death twitches, honey! [grunts]

Murder Mystery 2

[horns blare] [Audrey] His foot's on the gas!

Murder Mystery 2

[car horn blares]

Murder Mystery 2

This goes wherever we go now. You understand? I don't know where the-- - No! - What happened? - Hello? We're offline? Stand by. Take us to the Maharajah now. What do you think of that? Chop off his hand. - Chop off my hand? - What? - [kidnapper] Yes! - No! Hatchet! - Find the key. - I do know where the key is. - Look in here. - No, no, no. Shoot. - Shoot, I can't find it. - Check your other pockets! Son of a gun! I can't seem to pull the trigger on finding the key. - [Audrey] What are you talking about? - Your gun! Shoot this asshole!

Murder Mystery 2