[groans] [Audrey] Oh my God! Oh my God, I'm so sorry! Don't apologize, honey. You killed the kidnapper! [all yelling] Oh my God!
Murder Mystery 2
[scoffs] Why is that interesting? [Nick] Yes, why is that interesting? You know, I never saw you during the welcome dance. And then you just kind of showed up right after the elephant arrived. Yeah. I was... I was getting a drink. [laughs] Honey, I was a hairdresser, and I know a thing or two about dyes, and once henna sets, it doesn't smear.
I was harsh about your business before. We may not be equals, but we do share a passion.
Murder Mystery 2
[horn tooting]
Murder Mystery 2
No! This is not what I planned!
Murder Mystery 2
[Audrey] Jules Verne restaurant. Jules Verne restaurant? Ah, Le Ju-- - Le Jules Verne. - Oh. On the observation deck at the Eiffel Tower at midnight. [Nick] Yes. What do you mean? We don't have my brother. - Bullshit! - Oh, somebody there does, okay? So do what my wife just said. Midnight, Maharajah, alive. And, Inspector, we tried to start your car up but, uh, couldn't get it done, so we left it there. What? We stole a Lamborghini. You can have that when we're done with it. Okay.
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[sighs] "Thousands of studies have shown that the kidnapper will do nothing to jeopardize the receiving of the ransom." Chapter 9, section 3, written by Mr. Connor Miller.
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[door closes] [Countess] I know who did it. Who?
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[Susan] Oh!
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I actually really liked you. I know you did. We really liked you. You've been so nice to us. It's just kind of what we do. Kidnap my own brother? - She's getting upset. - I see. She's in front of me. Are you out of your mind? - Just move on. Audrey, move on. - Moving on. [Nick] All good, Saira. [Audrey] Francisco, chairman of the board.
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Oh, I'm so good. Thank you. Maybe another time. [woman speaks Hindi]
Murder Mystery 2
Whoa. Okay. Definitely kissing every single finger I have. I have made love to more than 10,000 women. - [Audrey murmurs] - None as ravishing as you. Okay. Well, speaking of staggering numbers, this is my husband of 16 years. I've made love to one woman. - And I did it terribly, by the way. - [Audrey] All right. Holy sh-- This is... You're that guy, Francisco Perez, yeah? This guy used to be a soccer player. He headbutted some dude one time and put him into a coma. Yeah. I know. I hit him so hard, he lost his ability to blink.
Murder Mystery 2
Okay. When they see me with this, they'll follow me. - [Nick] Right. - Nothing I can't handle. I see that. Meet at the Madeleine, 1900 hours. No problem. Yeah, we'll be there.