Aren't you sick of being shot at? Enough. - Taken hostage? - No more. - Run over? - We done with that. Robbed? Stabbed? Used as a human shield? We are tired of being stabbed! - Buddy! - Sorry. What are you trying to say, Guy? I'm tryin' to say that things in this city don't have to be this way. Things can be different. Different how?
Free Guy
I didn't see that coming. It's true. It really sucks.
Free Guy
What I'm about to say may be hard to understand.
Free Guy
Really hard to understand.
Free Guy
But, are you sick of living in the background?
Free Guy
Now, you know me, I'm Guy. NPCs: Hi, Guy.
Free Guy
Thank you for coming.
Free Guy
No, it's not. They're doing this on purpose, it's part of their plan. You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna kill them in the game. Turn off respawn, kill them dead, now. But that means any players who die will be done for good. They'll freak out.
Free Guy
There's always a guy with a gun. So many guys with guns.
Free Guy
Millie Rusk? Isn't that Keys' old partner? Yeah. Also the one who's trying to hit me with this bogus lawsuit 'cause she's desperate for a piece of Soonami Kwan. Boot Molotovgirl now. I'm trying. I'm trying as hard as I can, but her account's spoofed. This woman is exceptional. Then kill her in the game. "What?" Yes, I said that. Kill her. Throw everything at them, all right? Five badges, G. Yeah, just one problem.