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[Darla chuckles] [Mary and Pedro gasp]

Shazam! Fury of the Gods


Shazam! Fury of the Gods

-Okay. -No, no, no, I got ya! That's my sidekick. Captain Everypower Junior. Hey! Junior? You're gonna wanna hold on tight.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Freddy, Anthea, don't!

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

The staff is drained of magic. Only the spark of a god can restore its power and there are no gods left.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Power of axis. Very cool, very, -very rare. -[Hespera] Anthea! [Anthea] I must go. The door back to your world is at the center of the labyrinth. Right, left, left and then follow the right-hand wall to the center. -You'll need this. -How did you find this? You once protected me from the bullies in your world, Freddy Freeman. Now I've protected you in mine.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Wait, didn't you tell us the wizard disintegrated? The skin peeled off his face. He turned into a literal pile of ash. -Yeah, seems definitive. -I dunno. Yeah. Except now he's in my dreams and, Freddy, he's trying to give me a message. [snaps fingers] Could be astral projection powers. -What's that? -Obi-Wan Kenobi-ing you -from the great beyond? -That's it, I'm calling an emergency meeting after school. -I want you there. -Where else am I gonna go? -What? -Dude. [Freddy reading indistinctly] Okay, first of all, I didn't explode it! All right? It was already like that and, and, and... What is that, the Tribune? It's fake news! Freddy, we only have one rule. [both] All or none. And it's a stupid rule, by the way. I have a girl talking to me, Billy. A girl. For the first time in my life! And I probably don't have a shot in hell with this girl, but I'll never find out if you keep trying to control everything I wanna do! Just be at the Rock, Freddy. [sighs] Okay. Mmm. By the way, uh, she has a sister. Total control freak. I think you guys would get along. Think you'd love her, actually. [Shazam] Look, look, look. Fam, I know it sounds crazy. And, and obviously I don't know exactly what this all means but, but he was super aggro and super loud and he was trying to warn us, I think. He was yelling about all this wizard-y mumbo-jumbo about realms and stuff. Do you have to talk so loud? Yeah, Mary, 'cause this is not that loud. I think this is a perfectly acceptable indoor voice volume. What is the deal? Are you okay? -Yeah. -Why do you have sunglasses on? Did you go to the eye doctor this morning? -[snorts] -[Shazam chuckles] I dunno, it looks to me like Mary did go to the eye doctor, but it was last night, and she had a lot of fun. In point of fact, I did have a great time. I met other people my age and I enjoyed myself. You made friends at the eye doctor? No, she... Yeah, can we get back on track? Listen, he's yelling at me and he's saying the daughters of Atlas are coming to hunt us. So, check out what I found. "The daughters of Atlas are the offspring of the Titan Atlas..." which is obvious, but also Nyx, the Goddess of Night and Death. Well, good things can happen at night. -And death. -[sighs] Let me see this. [intriguing music playing]

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

[docent] The lore tells us of a valiant few who stood above the fray and fog. My, what weapons they must have wielded. Which brings us to our current exhibit, the mythical staff of the gods. In Homer's tale, the staff was said to harness the gift of all gods. Oh. [chuckles] Welcome, proud soldiers. What did I say? Museums are fun. Amusement parks for the brains. [laughs] -Whoa! -[docent] Okay, there's no reason to get pushy. Everyone will get a chance to see it. Carved from a heartwood not seen in over 2,000 years, the two halves of this ancient replica were recently discovered in, of all places, a waste processing plant outside of Philadelphia. So strong, they reportedly broke -three trash compactors. -[thuds] Okay, um, friends, that's enough. I'm, I'm sort of the star of the show here... [gasps] -Stop! -[people murmuring] Stop! Sir!

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

[foreboding music playing]

Shazam! Fury of the Gods


Shazam! Fury of the Gods

[Shazam grunting]

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

[both panting] You okay? That was fun. Let's go.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Is that a kitten? [purring] No.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Atlas had three daughters. Kalypso, Hespera, Anthea. Anne... thea.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

You're the wizard. -Thank you. -Whatever. Now let's see if that girlfriend of yours can be trusted.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

[Freddy in English] Billy, stay back! They're using the staff to take our powers.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

[both yelling]

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

[lightning cracks] [heroic music plays]

Shazam! Fury of the Gods