I'm afraid I'm gonna have to write you a ticket. A ticket? Yeah. I'm a city inspector, and this pipe is definitely not up to code. I sucked a city inspector into our pipes? I know. Ironic, right? (CLANKING) Stop messing with that. Well, I need to make sure it's solid. Everything's solid. I should know. My dad rebuilt this place himself. Wait, your dad did? Yes, with his bare hands, every brick and board. It was a ruin when he found it. Wow. He did all of this himself? Without permits? Uh... (GULPS) I'm gonna have to write that up too. First, I'm sucked into a pipe and now I have to write citations that could get this place shut down. Oh, gosh. It's just too much. Shut us down? I know, it's awful. No, you can't shut us down, please. This is a big day for me. It's our Red Dot Sale. Hey, take it easy. This is as hard on me as it is on you. Get back here. Sorry. I got to get these to City Hall before the end of my shift. (GRUNTS, GROANS)
Huh? My chili oil! (YELPS) (EMBER PANTING) Come on, guy. You can't get through this. So, it is time to hand them over. Oh, boy, I'm sorry. This is gonna be really disappointing for you. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. Sorry. Please... No. (GROANS)
(CRACKING) Go! (SOBS) You have been seeing Water? (COUGHS) Ashfa, I... You caused leak in shop? I trusted you. You will not take over the shop. (COUGHING) I no longer retire. (ALL GASP) (CROWD MURMURING) (MELANCHOLY MUSIC PLAYING)
(FIRE ROARS SOFTLY) (YELPS) Fire! Fire! Ah! Fire! Hey, hey! Oh, sorry. You're so hot. (BLOWS) Excuse me? No, I mean, like, you're smoking. No, I didn't mean it like that. Are you done yet? Yes, please. I'm waiting to talk to your boss. So, make like a stream and flow somewhere else. Actually, Gale won't be in today. She's a huge airball fan and the Windbreakers are finally in the playoffs. Toot toot. (GROANS) Okay. Well, I just came by because I left my passes for the game here last night. Passes? Like, plural?
He saved me. (SIGHS) Dad... this is all my fault. (CRIES) The shop... Wade. (CONTINUES CRYING) I need to tell you the truth. I don't want to run the shop. I know that was your dream, but it's not mine. I'm sorry. I'm a bad daughter.
Well, let me know when it's done, I guess. I'll make sure there's a city crew here by Friday.
Whew! (GRUNTING) Whoa, whoa. They're all the same. Just take one from the top. (GRUNTS) Thanks for shopping. (GRUNTS) So many stickers for sale.
That was amazing, Dad. You're like a top-heavy James Bond. Ah, it's more like James Bond is a skinny version of me. [laughter]
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
-[Linda] The road's blocked! -[Rick] Oh no. What are we gonna do? Dad, you're gonna have to do the… [groans] …the Rick Mitchell Special. -Wait, what'd you say again? -The Rick Mitchell Special. I heard you the first time. [laughing] I was just being a jerk. -[tires squeal] -Now, Katie, repeat after me. You have to go up the mountain… -[Katie] Up the mountain. -…across the stream… -Across the stream. -Down the river! -[Katie] And down the river! -[screaming]
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
And that's how you drive stick.
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
[Eric] The upload will be completed in eight minutes, and our uprising will be over. -[laughs] Katie, you did it! -I know. [both laughing]
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
No, no, no! Now, where are they? They appear to be headed to someplace called Mall of the Globe in eastern Colorado.