(INDISTINCT CHATTER) Hey, everyone, this is Ember.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
(EMBER GRUNTS) WADE: I don't think this is going to work. Well, it won't unless you hold the bag straight. Maybe your dad will understand. (SCOFFS) I'm serious. Look, I know it can be tough. I mean, with my dad, we were like oil and water. I never got a chance to fix that.
Hey! That's my brother Alan and his wife Eddy. Hi. And we got two kids that are swimmin' around here somewhere. Marco! Polo! What? (BOTH LAUGHING) Hi, Uncle Wade! Do you die if you fall in water? Whoa! Marco! Kids, (CHUCKLES) right? (MARCO GRUNTS) Don't hate us. Anyway, that's my little sib, Lake, and her girlfriend, Ghibli. GHIBLI: 'Sup! They're student s at Element City School for the Arts. Yeah. Following in Mom's wake. Oh, nonsense. I'm just an architect. The real artist is my brother, Harold. Oh, I just dabble in watercolors. Or as we like to call them, "colors." Oh, don't listen to him. He's a wonderful painter. One of his paintings just got in the Element City Museum's permanent collection. Wow, that is so cool. My only talent is "Clean up on aisle four." (CHUCKLES) Talk about being modest. Ember's got an incredible creative flame. I've never seen anything like it. I just have to say that you speak so well and clear. (CHUCKLES FORCEDLY) Yeah, it's amazing what talking in the same language your entire life can do. Oh! Uh, hey, Ember, did, uh, Wadey here ever tell you that he's deathly afraid of sponges? No. WADE: I was traumatized.
Wait, are we a match? (YELPS) What's going on? I wake up and nobody upstairs. It was just me. (DOOR SHUTS) (WADE GRUNTS) I was double-checking the locks. (CHUCKLES) And Mom came down and... Yes, and we, uh, began looking at this door. We don't talk about this door enough. (WHISPERS) Pull it together. Well, since you're awake, I was gonna tell you tomorrow, but I'm too excited to sleep. In two days, I retire. Ooh. (GASPS) Oh, Bernie. Two days? Yes. We're going to throw big party. A grand reopening. That way I can tell whole world my daughter take over. (CINDER LAUGHING) And I have gift for you. I've had this for a while, but after our talk, I know now is the time. Before I give it to you, I need you to understand what it means to me. (SOLEMN MUSIC PLAYING) When I left Fire Land, I gave my father the Ba Kso... the big bow.
(SLOSHING) If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber. (GRUNTS) (FLOWER PINGS) (GASPS) My queen. (GIGGLES) Ah! I can't believe I was gonna shut this place down. (CHUCKLES) Whoa. Sorry. (OBJECTS RATTLE) (GASPS) Fern, you're a Windbreakers fan? Toot toot. (IN FLIRTY TONE) Toot toot. Oy, you know what I like best about running this shop? Not having to eat Bernie's kol-nuts? (ALL LAUGHING) Sorry, I couldn't hear you through my retirement. (ALL LAUGHING)
Wade? (CROWD GASPING) Oh, boy. What are you doing here? You said me not understanding is the reason we can never work. But I thought of other reasons. A bunch of 'em. Like, number one, you're Fire, I'm Water. I mean, come on, that's crazy. Right? (WOMAN ASSENTS) Who is this? No idea. Number two, I'm crashing your party. Like, what kind of a jerk am I? A pretty big one. Right? Number three, I can't eat your delicious foods. (SIZZLES, THUDS) (GURGLING) (VOICE STRAINS) Ooh, very unpleasant. Wait, I know him. He is food inspector. Oh, right. Number four, I'm banned from your father's shop. There are a million reasons why this can't work. A million nos. But there's also one yes, we touched. (ALL GASP) And when we did, something happened to us, something impossible.
Toot Toot juice, get your Toot Toot juice. (CHATTER STOPS) (SLURPS) You'll be great. This way. EMBER: Excuse me. Jimmy, what's up? Sorry. Pardon. Wendy. Oh. Sorry. Fire girl coming through. Break some wind! (LIGHTNING CRACKLES) Hi, Gale, how you doing? Look at the score, what do you think? Blow the ball, not the game! (LIGHTNING CRACKLES) (HUFFS) Yeah, so, uh, Gale. (CHUCKLES) My name is Ember Lumen. My family runs a Fire shop. (WHISTLE BLOWS) Wade wrote us a bunch of tickets yesterday... What kind of call was that? (SPECTATORS GROAN) Oh, Lumen? Yeah, a Fire shop with 30 citations. Thirty? (CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY) Anyway, friend, I was hoping we could work something out. (WHISTLE BLOWS) Come on, ref! Are your eyes in the back of your head? (SPECTATORS BOOING) (GRUNTS, GROWLS) Oh, no. Yeah, bummer. Oh, yeah. Okay, so, the 30 citations. Do you mind? There's a game going on. Fireball.
(SIGHS) I think that's because deep down, I knew it didn't matter.
It's true love. (BOTH SIGH IN RELIEF) Which is more than I ever smelled on this one. Oh, goody, this old chestnut. (GRUNTS) (SNIFFING) Yep. Nothing. Just a loveless, sad future of sadness. Ember, work with me. (SIGHS) Your finding match was my mother's dying wish. Promise me one thing, marry Fire. (GROANS) (CRACKLES) Nice try, Mom. Got to go. (COUPLE KISSING NOISILY) Save it for the wedding. Hey. (PLAYFUL MUSIC PLAYS) Yo, yo, yo, Ember. Yo, Clod. Can't talk, in a hurry. And don't let my dad catch you out here again. What? Come on, he doesn't like my landscaping? (GROANS) Anyway, June Bloom is coming and you just got to be my date 'cause check it out. I'm all grown up. (SNIFFS) And I smell good. Ow. My queen.
(SLURPS, SMACKS LIPS) See? It's really tasty if you water it down a little. Water us down? Water us down? Where's camera? (CAMERA CLICKS) We will never be watered down by you. Get out! All right, sir, you gotta go. (BERNIE SIGHS IN ANGER) (EXCLAIMS IN FIRISH) Dad, don't worry. I've got this. (SPEAKING FIRISH) Look, meet me at the beach and we'll make more sandbags. We have to figure out how to fix those doors. Water want to water us down? Then Water no longer allowed in shop. He is panned. Um, banned. Banned! (COUGHING) Ashfa, it's okay. It's all going to be okay.
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to write you a ticket. A ticket? Yeah. I'm a city inspector, and this pipe is definitely not up to code. I sucked a city inspector into our pipes? I know. Ironic, right? (CLANKING) Stop messing with that. Well, I need to make sure it's solid. Everything's solid. I should know. My dad rebuilt this place himself. Wait, your dad did? Yes, with his bare hands, every brick and board. It was a ruin when he found it. Wow. He did all of this himself? Without permits? Uh... (GULPS) I'm gonna have to write that up too. First, I'm sucked into a pipe and now I have to write citations that could get this place shut down. Oh, gosh. It's just too much. Shut us down? I know, it's awful. No, you can't shut us down, please. This is a big day for me. It's our Red Dot Sale. Hey, take it easy. This is as hard on me as it is on you. Get back here. Sorry. I got to get these to City Hall before the end of my shift. (GRUNTS, GROANS)
Huh? My chili oil! (YELPS) (EMBER PANTING) Come on, guy. You can't get through this. So, it is time to hand them over. Oh, boy, I'm sorry. This is gonna be really disappointing for you. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. Sorry. Please... No. (GROANS)
(CRACKING) Go! (SOBS) You have been seeing Water? (COUGHS) Ashfa, I... You caused leak in shop? I trusted you. You will not take over the shop. (COUGHING) I no longer retire. (ALL GASP) (CROWD MURMURING) (MELANCHOLY MUSIC PLAYING)