Found 1978 results

Don't-- What's that?

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

Don't shoot! Don't hurt me. Come on. I-- Take my hands!

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

Sir. Sorry, sir. He's crying for mama. Not a problem.

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre


Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

I will shoot you.

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

Libyan diplomat based all over the world. Met Greg Simmonds in the 2000s, who put him on the payroll soon after. Qasim's been greasing palms and burying bodies for Greg ever since. Nice work. Have a glass of this. Wine's not really my thing. Is that the 2004? Who's talking to you? Aren't you busy enough?

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

Antalya, Turkey. Gobble, gobble. That's "flying fowl" with a W, not a U. Hence "flying fowl," flying to Turkey. Bit of a reach. You'd think so, except Qasim Amari is a diplomat located in the, uh, Turkish government's office in Antalya, Turkey. I don't know how I do it. What a brain. Do I have a brain in there? Oh, she does. Modern women. What will they think of next? - So, looks like we're all flying fowl. - Amazing. We'll track Qasim, see where he leads us. Sarah, you go with Danny as planned and find out from Greg exactly what it is he's buying. We need a confirmation on that. Explains why Greggy's spending his weekend in Turkey.

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

I drove this car myself. I know, honey. And, Michaela, did his own stunts. Is that true, Danny? Yeah. -Could you still do 'em? -I'm a little rusty, but sure. Right, game on. After lunch, yes? Okay. I might have to sit that one out, but you boys have fun. After lunch, Michaela, you are having the pleasure of a four-hands, hot stones massage with Suki and Sasha. And they really, really understand a lady's geography. Isn't that right, Emilia?

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

You keep me informed, Qasim. Goody goody then. "Flying fowl" in 72 hours? What the cuss does that mean? I got a location on Qasim's phone. If Alexander and his team are entering another country illegally, they're gonna need help avoiding any risks with the authorities. So where's this Qasim based?

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

There's a term for being beaten in four moves, Nathan: -Fool's Mate. -Wasn't four moves. If you can get yourself out of that little mess I put you in, you can have a glass of this. What we got on Qasim, JJ?

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

Wait a second. That looks exactly like the car that I drove-- Do you know why? Do you know why?

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

And? Everything set?

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

-Hey, good to see ya. -You too. There they are, my new best friends. Hosgeldiniz, as we say in Turkey. Mmm. Thank you for the jet. Oh, don't be silly. That's the baby one. -Danny Francesco, yeah. -It's good to see you, Greg. Excited to be here, learn from the master. Oh, no, I'm not the master. Now, before we do anything else, follow me 'cause I have something to show you. Grab a drink on the way. '75 Corniche, Greggy. I love it. Yeah, it's nice, isn't it? Present from Elton, that one.

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

- That's not possible. - Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, it is. Lovingly restored with me own hands. It's not really with me own hands. I'm just joking. - It's nice though, isn't it? - I-- Look at him.

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

-What? -It's yours.

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

And wow, this piece is beautiful. Um, Mimar Sinan. -Are you looking for your room? -Yes. Mm-hmm. My room is that way. It's actually the other way. Of course. Down the corridor, turn right, and it's on your left. Hey, that massage was so good, by the way. -Y-You should join us next time. -Turn right. Right. Got it. Okay, I'll see you later.

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

How much did you want it, Danny? Of all the cars I've driven on-screen, this is the only car I wanted to possess. -Is that right? Did you crave it? -Yeah. -Did you yearn for it? -Yeah. Did you dream about it?

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

Fuck off, Nathan. You haven't got the bandwidth for that.

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre