- You just have to understand something. ROSE: Mm-hm, mm-hm.
We're the Millers
ROSE: Good night. That was great. - Okay, bye, guys. Great. What now, genius? - Tell me... What? - Oh, 0h, oh. I don't know. I just got earfucked in a tent. If you let her finger bang you they would have given us the keys. Oh, really? Why don't you go suck Don's dick for them... and then you get the keys? He was certainly loving on those earlobes. Okay, look. First, unlike you, I only suck a man's dick if I'm in love, okay? That's kind of a personal rule I have. - Yeah, and secondly... And secondly... - What?
We're the Millers
No other repair shops nearby? Run by a Christian and open after supper on a Saturday night? No, sir.
We're the Millers
I mean, you damn near sucked a guy's dick nine hours ago. What are you shy now for?
We're the Millers
Wait, what? I thought you said you were like 18.
We're the Millers
I saw what just happened with you and Melissa.
We're the Millers
We're the Millers
Okay, he's really honking and it's making a huge scene. I think he just wants to say hi.
We're the Millers
Come on, David. Be a team player. You're gonna have fun.
We're the Millers
- Mm-hm. - What, are you buying a house down here?