As a gesture of public solidarity, Mayor Kobayashi is calling upon his Assistant Hatchet-Man, Major-Domo, to furnish the personal bodyguard-dog of the mayoral-household, Spots Kobayashi, into the possession of the Committee for Canine Desaturation.
Isle of Dogs
Nomadic packs of once-domesticated house-pets, sick and hungry, rove the garbage canyons and filthy ravines, scrounging for scraps. One hundred per cent test positive for the Dog-Flu germ. Symptoms: weight-loss, dizziness, narcolepsy, insomnia, and extreme/aggressive behavior.
Isle of Dogs
Three-quarters display signs of early-onset Snout-fever: high-temperature, low blood-pressure, acute moodiness and spasmodic nasal expiration.
Isle of Dogs
Six months later.
Isle of Dogs
In a special midnight-session at the Municipal Dome, Mayor Kobayashi of Uni Prefecture issues emergency orders calling for a hasty quarantine: the expulsion and containment of all breeds, both stray and domesticated. By official decree, Trash Island becomes an exile colony.
Isle of Dogs
No, no, no! The crowd is calling for the immediate ratification and approval of the mayor's proposal.
Isle of Dogs
Whatever happened to man's best friend?
Isle of Dogs
Repeat: don't.
Isle of Dogs
Isle of Dogs
We made an emergency plan, even if we didn't get to vote and agree to it yet: rendez-vous at the cause-way to the Far-away Cuticles, and go find your dog. Maybe everybody else just got crushed, compacted, and incinerated, but we're going to be there. Let's go. Don't.
Isle of Dogs
Bodyguard-dog! Not pet!
Isle of Dogs
I was bred as a show-dog. I was groomed for that purpose. It wasn't my choice. I don't consider it my identity. Anyway, look around. What difference does it make now?
Isle of Dogs
It's full of toxic chemicals. How do you know? Because my sister-in-law drank it, and her tongue turned black.
Isle of Dogs
You're a stray, aren't you? Yes, I'm a stray. But aren't we all? In the last analysis, I mean?
Isle of Dogs
I beg your pardon? I mean, I think you mated with Felix, if I heard it right?