Terrible war. With those... Orphan... and motherless child. This was the uprising that brought our land. 13 Districts rebel against the country that fed them.
The Hunger Games
...this is a very interesting mix. Yes. Whenever you have a volunteer from an outline district, it's something you can't ignore.
The Hunger Games
Genius. How do you think you're gonna find this funny? If the game makers decided to take it out... On who? On her?
The Hunger Games
I remember the first time I saw you. Your hair was in two braids instead of one. I remember when you...
The Hunger Games
Ready Lusia? Oh right here sir!
The Hunger Games
And what about you Peeta?
The Hunger Games
Well, come on up!
The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games
- Peeta's strong. - What? He can throw a 100 pound sack of flour right in his head. I've seen it. Okay, well I cannot kill anybody by a sack of flour. No, you might have a better chance at winning when somebody comes after you with a knife. I have no chance of winning. None! Alright?
The Hunger Games
That we needed and you can't walk. Promise me, you'll not gonna risk your life for me. I'm not gonna let you. You would do it for me. Wouldn't you?