Found 695 results
You, senile Romanian accountant. You are on the cash register. The CEO of Green World does not drive a hybrid!
The Dictator
Give a man a vagina and he will shpichs for a day. Teach a man to use his hand as a vagina, and he will shpichs for a lifetime.
The Dictator
I've done my labeneh all over the wellness center.
The Dictator
Allison, you may need to keep your voice down because...
The Dictator
- That's sweet. What is it? - Yeah.
The Dictator
Nadal, are you still there?
The Dictator
What a fucking idiot.
The Dictator
Excuse me. What is that over there?
The Dictator
Okay. Maroush, give the goodie bag!
The Dictator
Promise me you're going to ice?
The Dictator
Listen, while you're here, I highly recommend a visit to the Empire State Building, before you or one of your sand-monkey cousins takes it down.
The Dictator
Those gangsters at the UN want me to address them.
The Dictator
You know what, I like this guy despite his liberal views. Very good, sir.
The Dictator
You must have many happy goats, hmm? What the fuck does that even mean?
The Dictator