Found 695 results
Myself? What? How? You need to touch yourself. I don't touch myself. Do you touch yourself?
The Dictator
It's amazing! Oh, it's not amazing. It's just a little less shit.
The Dictator
- Don't eat it. - Oh, Maroush!
The Dictator
Well, you're all A-rabs to me, the blacks, the Jews, those blue tree-hugging queers in A-vatar.
The Dictator
- "Captain Hook." It's funny. - No, it's not funny.
The Dictator
Clip his nails, file his teeth, bleach his skin, and shorten the penis.
The Dictator
You are alive? Of course! It is my job to be shot in the head.
The Dictator
Allison, before we go any further, there's something that I want to tell you.
The Dictator
Girls, show him your bosoms.
The Dictator
Boring! Do you sell any assault rifles?
The Dictator
What are you doing? She tried to milk me! No.
The Dictator
This is my cousin. I see you've all met him. He's very simple and backwards. I'm sorry. - Sorry. - It's okay, sit. - Okay. - Sit and eat.
The Dictator
"Ohhh." See? She goes "Ohhh" all the time. Watch.
The Dictator
Suevel. Suevel. Suevel.
The Dictator
Yes. And? I found it heartwarming and life-affirming.
The Dictator
All right? And I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you. You know what? Let's get you back to the collective, okay?
The Dictator
That's your beard? No, no, no! It's not my beard. My friend chopped the head off Morgan Freeman.
The Dictator