Then you seduce the Maharajah so that you would make us think you were with him all night. Yo, you were just twizzlin' on my wizzle for an alibi. Girl, that's cold. You tried to kill us in the library.
Murder Mystery
Dinner was insane, but that's expected.
Murder Mystery
I'll just use my peanuts.
Murder Mystery
Murder Mystery
Murder Mystery
I don't want to give it away. It was the butler. The butler did it.
Murder Mystery
- Hello. Hi. - Hello. So, uh, we are on our honeymoon, and I was wondering if we could possibly get an upgrade because I have miles. Maybe... I don't even know if it's from this airline, but do they expire, or... Sir, you would have needed to request that in advance. - Yeah. - Right this way, please. - Thank you. I'm so sorry. - We did try advance. I tried calling. - And, um, nobody... - Who'd you call? - Crazy busy signals. - Really? - It's the busy signals! - Who did you try to call?
Murder Mystery
- We can afford it, right? This is all... - We can afford it, of course. - Okay. - I'm getting my raise this year. - Right. - We're all set. Come on.
Murder Mystery
- I ruined your surprise! - Shh. You didn't ruin anything. You're the greatest. You deserve it. I love you. - I love you! - It's still a surprise. I swear.
Murder Mystery
Oh, my God. I have chills. Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I'm so...
Murder Mystery
We're finally going to Europe. Happy anniversary.
Murder Mystery
Murder Mystery
I told you I had something big for you at dinner, and you couldn't wait till tomorrow morning?
Murder Mystery
Now you've gone and done it, Audrey. What? What'd I do?
Murder Mystery
- Don't take it back? - No. Why? You don't want my double chin to show? It's not your chins, okay. It's just rude. Yes. - Okay. 'Cause you splay out. - All right. And then your seat is in, like, the lap of the guy behind you. - So just be considerate of everybody. - I'll stay up. Thank you.
Murder Mystery
Oh, excuse me. - Hi. - Hello. Hi. Could I please have some earplugs? Yes. For nine dollars.
Murder Mystery
- Are you okay with that? - Wait, don't... But just, please, don't... don't lay all the way back.
Murder Mystery
Nine dollars? For earplugs? Yes. That's okay. I'll just...