- We gotta turn ourselves in. - Wait, what? They're all gonna show up. If we run, they're gonna shoot us. What do you mean? We're gonna just go to jail? It's better than getting shot, ain't it?
Murder Mystery
- Okay, he's dead. - Oh, my God. - What the hell? - Oh, God. Case reopened, babe. They must have poisoned his drink! - Nick! - And look at his face. It's... I mean, besides the foaming mouth, he still kinda looks good. What is with this man?
Murder Mystery
- There it is. - And then, before Sergei was shot, he told us that the Colonel did it. He told you what? But we know you didn't do it, Colonel, because we saw you flossing your teeth when we were shimmying by your window that night.
Murder Mystery
Murder Mystery
So? Lots of artists change their names. Lady Gaga's real name isn't Lady Gaga. Yes, Lady Gaga. "Paparazzi," yes, good. But every Grace Ballard superfan knows your first movie was Summer Wetdown. You had three lines, and you went by your birth name, Grace Butler.
Murder Mystery
Please remove your hat, Ms. Butler.
Murder Mystery
So you admit it?
Murder Mystery
You're doing it extra hard tonight.
Murder Mystery
My father was a monster.
Murder Mystery
Go ahead.
Murder Mystery
I'll do nothing of the kind.
Murder Mystery
The Maharajah bought me this hat, and I quite like it. Nick hit the killer in the head with a plate.
Murder Mystery
No fan necessary. We'll crank the AC, babe.
Murder Mystery
Hey! You know what, guys? Let's toast to my friends, Nick and Audrey. Fifteen wonderful years. Absolutely. - Fifteen. - Here's to true love, guys. Fifteen. - True love. - Yeah.
Murder Mystery
And it left a mark, didn't it?
Murder Mystery
- We gotta pit him, honey. - I gotta what him? What you do is you hit the back bumper and he'll just spin out. - I can't do that. I can't... - You got this. I can't. He's a Formula 1 race car driver!
Murder Mystery
The butler did it. Grace Butler did it! Grace But... Right? - I said it on the plane. - You had to do it! - Stay back! - Jesus!
Murder Mystery
If there's nothing else, I'd like to start spending my money now.