Tom, is it possible to construct an imperceptible compartment? In this jacket? - In all of them. - Certainly, sir. Safer though my stash now was, I was not sitting around until it ran out. Can I combine these ingredients in the same exact quantity, yes, but, the exact method of delivery to the brain... Darts at a dartboard. - Meaning? - Clinical trials, guinea pig people. - That's gonna take too long. - It's what it is. Or you'll kill people. You need 12, to 18 months... I'll give you two million dollars if you can do it in six.
Thanks for stopping by, Carl. Give us a second. What are you doing? Do you want to be President of the United States - or brain dead, stuck full of tubes? - I'll take my chances. I told you your chances don't exist. We shut down your lab. You don't think some smartass on NZT might have two or three or even four labs? - So what? You're not making any more. - That's right, I'm not. I thought better of it. See, once you know what's in it, you can tweak it, re-engineer it. Get the bugs out. Taper off. I'm off it, Carl. Well, on it or off it, there's no scenario where you're not working for me. How you gonna pay me? In cigarettes? Last year you traded - inside information 17 times. - You threatening me? Blank checks from Dubai. Dumping in Chile. Disappeared officials. - I mean, you shed a spot light... - Do you want to go to war with me? And trust me when I say this, I'm not even being creative. There's no way you can be making accusations like that and be walking around alive. That you would even think that shows me how unprepared you are to fight me. - You're no longer equipped to fight me. - I may be off it, but you think I didn't learn anything? That my synapses didn't change? That I kept absolutely nothing? You have no idea what kind of enemy I can be. - That van's gonna rear-end that taxi. - What? The driver's distracted. He's texting. He's going 30 miles an hour. He has 60 feet to stop. He doesn't have room. What van? I see everything, Carl. I'm 50 moves ahead of you and everybody else. What makes you think I don't have a guy with a bead on you right now? How do you know you're gonna be alive this time next year? What are you doing? You get your hands off me. What are you doing? Something's pumping half-mass in there. The walls of your heart are dilated. Your aortic valve's steno. So you're gonna need to get that replaced. But you already knew that. You know, you should really be glad about this. 'Cause me working for you? You'd end up as my bitch. Maybe we should cool off. Talk again. I don't think so. Don't forget to vote.
- Anything? - I'll call him again, sir. OK, the decision could have changed. That makes sense. The discourtesy doesn't. It's still on.
Oh. Self-improvement month. I guess somebody gave me a wake up call.
All my fear, all my shyness, gone. They've done four basic trials...
Hey! Ah! Ah!
No, now.
Well, even though everything you say is true, I still love you.
Why? Because I don't see you before and I don't like you already. Why do I give you $100,000?
- Police Department! - Open the door, please!
I realized that there were other people who might know about NZT. Vernon's other clients.
Wanna tell me your whereabouts the night ofApril 2nd?
I'd better not say any more. No, no, that's probably a good idea. So, uh... We should probably, uh, meet or something, right? No, I gotta do the funeral and God knows what else. I just... We can't meet, OK? Right. Well, I'll just... I guess I'll just see you at the funeral then. No. I don't want that. Please don't. I'll call you at some point, OK? - When this is over. - OK, all right. OK.
I still can't deal with that haircut. I wouldn't even recognize you on the street. Well, I'm a new man.
Who have you been talking to? Oh, I'm just connecting the dots. Is Hank Atwood really gonna go for it? Well, you're an amazing con artist, or you're a very smart young man. I mean, come on. The two of you together? The whole world would have to come begging for energy like Oliver Twist and his bowl of gruel. Now you're going backwards. What else you got? - A prediction. It won't come off. - Why's that? - You'd have to back off Libya. - Really?
- Who's back, Eddie? - Me. No. It's not you. - You were different before. - I'm still the same person, Lin. I wasn't, when I was on it.
Well, you don't want to hear this from some schmuck who needs a ride home. All right, you get your shot. Meet me tomorrow at the Saint Regis at ten and tell me how the gutsy little schmuck who needs a ride home would re-structure these deals. And you'd better be prepared. I'm at your disposal. You don't really live here, do you? Well... Spartans weren't big on amenities. Yeah, and they eventually got their asses kicked.