All right, team. I'm going to need to know your special powers. I'm a giant clay person! - I'm irritating. - I have a sack for a face. I make unpredictable decisions. I raise the stakes! I can squirt ketchup! Nice! Orca. I'm a whale! Oh, we got this covered! Go team!
The Lego Batman Movie
I thought you'd never ask.
The Lego Batman Movie
- Great driving. - Thanks, Padre. Yeah!
The Lego Batman Movie
Yes! Yes! Yes!
The Lego Batman Movie
- I want snipers trained on that building! - You bet! - I want water and air support, yesterday! - Ahoy, sir! And I need SWAT here now! Phone call for Commissioner Gordon. Hello? Batman? Hi, Jimmy! It's the Jokes. Oop! Nobody calls you that. Yes, people do call me that. Okay, listen up. Go, go, go! At this very moment, an unnecessarily complicated bomb is being attached to the inside of the main energy core. If the mayor isn't here in five minutes to negotiate the city's surrender, then I shall destroy Gotham City. I did something! Doctor, that sounds frightening and overly complicated. Talk us through it.
The Lego Batman Movie
What the... I get the last laugh, I get the final grin Throw you into the asylum With Harley Quinn Turn Two-Face To black-and-blue face I 100% am not Bruce Wayne!
The Lego Batman Movie
- Who has the coolest gadgets? - Batman!
The Lego Batman Movie
We did it, everyone!
The Lego Batman Movie
Hey, kid. You know who does get scared? Who? Bruce Wayne. - Really? - Yeah. Bruno told me once that sometimes the only way to get out of a down moment is to start boxing.
The Lego Batman Movie
The Lego Batman Movie
- We've got his attention. - He's tracking us.
The Lego Batman Movie
I gotta be honest with you. It's snake clowns. Yeah, that's not a thing. Well then, nothing. - I'm not afraid of anything. - Okay.
The Lego Batman Movie
What have you done to Wayne Manor?
The Lego Batman Movie
The Lego Batman Movie
- Whoa. - Batman, take out Joker's bomb. I'll get that Projector! 10-4, Co-Go.
The Lego Batman Movie
Okay, BRB, guys. I'm gonna go defuse that...
The Lego Batman Movie
Yeah, you're a great teacher. I am? Yeah! I wanna be just like you when I grow up, Padre! Wait, what did you call me?
The Lego Batman Movie
I'm sorry, my Bat-ears must be malfunctioning because it sounds... I surrender! Okay, you know what? Cool it. You're a criminal. You run, and I catch you. Not anymore, Batman. You were right. There is no "us." So, there's no point in me trying to fight you anymore. Therefore, I will be surrendering myself to our strong-willed and forward-thinking new commissioner. Blink, blink, blink. Blinkety blink, blink, blink! That's really suspicious. Yeah, it is. What are you up to, Joker? I just wanna go to Arkham and pay for all of my crimes. Blink, blink, blink. Blinkety blink, blink, blink! Are you actually saying "blink"? No! Blink, blink, blink. Joker! That's enough. Okay, Babs. I got this. Not so fast, Batman. You can't fight me anymore. I'm off the market. What are you talking about? I'm off the menu. You won't get to fight any of this anymore.