Joker! Joker. Uh, excuse me? I was about to... Push the Bat-Signal? Good call. I like your instincts. I've got a surprise for you guys. And it's gonna make you smile. Uh-oh! His smile is our grimace. Everybody, get down. - I... - Joker, no!
The Lego Batman Movie
Scuttler online. Chief O'Hara, we're coming in hot! I'm almost there.
The Lego Batman Movie
Hello, family photos. He lost his parents at a very young age.
The Lego Batman Movie
Batman, there are no more vigilantes allowed in Gotham City. Okay. Totally got it. Then I have to go into double-secret super vigilante mode.
The Lego Batman Movie
I'm sorry. I literally have no idea what you're talking about. The young orphan you adopted at the gala. Remember?
The Lego Batman Movie
Doesn't he deserve a chance for someone to take him under their wing, as I took you under mine?
The Lego Batman Movie
I know that she said I said that out loud, but there's no way I did. She has no idea what's going on in my super-mind. Super-mind?
The Lego Batman Movie
Hello, Master Bruce. Alfred, there's something wrong with the Batcomputer. Watch this. 'Puter. Nothing. 'Puter. Do you see what I'm saying? There's nothing wrong with it, sir. I have just taken away your computer privileges. The parental lock? You can't do that. Oh, I can. I've been reading Setting Limits for Your Out-of-Control Child. You know what? Doesn't matter, 'cause I have a double-secret super password that unlocks the parental lock. You mean, "Alfred da Butt-ler," with two T's?