- Oh, I will. - Good. Do you know what the B-A-T in Batman stands for? - Not really. - Best At Teamwork. Best At Teamwork Man is my full name. Yay! We're going on a family trip. This is not a family trip. I can wear my costume, too. Well, luckily for us, you left your costume back at the... - Rip! - Oh! Nope. Under your clothes. That's perfect. - Rip! - Alfred, what are you doing? I miss the '60s. Hey, can Scarecrow help? - Yeah! - He's destroying our city, too! Permit us to lend you assistance. Yeah. Why don't we use these guys? What am I gonna do? Get a bunch of criminals together to fight the criminals? That's a stupid idea.
The Lego Batman Movie
- Joker has eyes on us. - Where? No! I mean, he literally has a giant eye on us. I think that thing can see our every move! Shaka-laka-Iako. We've got to destroy it, or we'll never make it to Wayne Manor. Uh... Bat-Dad? I really think you should see this. Building survey! This building's not up to code!
The Lego Batman Movie
Hey, evil army. I need Batman brought here. Now go get him! Joker out!
The Lego Batman Movie
Feel it, uh-huh Dick Grayson on the mic, go Oh. Um...
The Lego Batman Movie
Can you contain them to downtown?
The Lego Batman Movie
All right, yeah. It's 100% lava.
The Lego Batman Movie
Prove it.
The Lego Batman Movie
My platonic coworker buddy, who's a girl, but just a friend.
The Lego Batman Movie
Okay. I deserved that. - Hi. - Wait a minute. What's going on? I came back, just like I said I would. You know, Mr. Batman, when you're a talking brick, working at the Phantom Zone, you see a lot of crazy things. But I've finally seen a man, in order to make the world a better place, take a look at himself and make a change.
The Lego Batman Movie
Who? - Superman. - What? I'm kidding. It's you.
The Lego Batman Movie
You okay, Batman? You seem the opposite of stern.
The Lego Batman Movie
This is my family, but it's your family, too.
The Lego Batman Movie
And you.
The Lego Batman Movie
- No. - Too bad.
The Lego Batman Movie
Oh, my gosh. This does make me feel better. Okay. Shh. Batman solo. Bat, bat, bat, can I get a bat? Can I get a bat? Bat... The Bat-Fax!
The Lego Batman Movie
Fine. Who am I working with? SEAL Team Six? Fox Force Five? Suicide Squad? No. Me. Oh, I wanna help, too! - And I shall join as well. - Whoa! Alfred Pennyworth at your service, ma'am. - How did you... - Alfred, you gotta let me out of here. Sir, those creatures out there are unlike anything we've ever seen. Speak for yourself. You don't know everything I've seen. I haven't told you everything. And you'll never be able to defeat them alone. And it'll be more fun if we all do it together! What's the worst thing that could happen?
The Lego Batman Movie
Okay, guys. Game plan. Joker's taken the Projector - to Wayne Manor. - Wayne Manor. Right. Thanks, Batman. - We need that Projector. - Projector. Or there's no way - to blast these monsters... - Monsters. - ...back to the Phantom Zone. - Phantom Zone? Yep. Batman, I really don't need you to finish my... - Sand castles. - No. - Sister's homework. - No. - Succulent something. - No.
The Lego Batman Movie
You three wait here while I go fix the engine. Don't worry, Batman. You fix the Batwing, I'll fly. All good, Babs. I've got my autopilot on it. Done.