The greatest villains you'll ever see. You wanna meet them?
The Lego Batman Movie
Hang on a second. - Nice and close! - I gotta get my pump on. - It's worth it. - Okay, everybody in? These abs are no fluke. Everyone say, "Bat Family!" Bat Family!
The Lego Batman Movie
I think I'll need snowshoes. Yeah, I don't think you'll need snowshoes, but could you grab that flashlight? - Batman? - Padre? Sir? What are you doing? Hey, Batman. Please, wait! 'Puter.
The Lego Batman Movie
Ooh, let's take a look! Look at that! - Splendid. - Wow.
The Lego Batman Movie
Hey, guys! It's my first family photo!
The Lego Batman Movie
The Lego Batman Movie
The Lego Batman Movie
I studied Brazilian jiu-jitsu at Harvard for Police. Oh, yeah? Well, guess who got a PhD in smoke bombs! Dr. Batman. Guards! Get them!
The Lego Batman Movie
You're right. I am super proud.
The Lego Batman Movie
You know, when I was a kid, I wanted to be you, Batman.
The Lego Batman Movie
The Lego Batman Movie
Some very wise people taught me that.
The Lego Batman Movie
- Argh! - Admit it. I'm your greatest enemy. You're not my greatest enemy, Joker. Okay, then send me to the Phantom Zone. Fine, I will. And prove I'm your greatest enemy.
The Lego Batman Movie
- No, you're not! - No, you're not!
The Lego Batman Movie
Yes! That's what I call saving the city again! Batman, what are you doing? I'm Batman-ing.
The Lego Batman Movie
I'm sorry, what'd you just say? That's right. I'm so bad, I got myself thrown into this heck-hole on purpose! I'm listening. Count me interested. Look, everyone here knows what it's like to be hurt by a hero, don't they? We've all been taken for granted, right? - Yeah, bro. - I'm relating. Well, that's why I came to this space prison. To recruit the universe's greatest... - We'll do it! - I'm sorry? You were going to say something about recruiting the universe's greatest villains to conquer a superhero. - Am I right? - Uh, yeah. - Well, we're in! - Yay!