'Cause I just wrote a song about how I'm gonna kick all your butts!
The Lego Batman Movie
Hey, there. Look at you. - Who's this? - Hi, police lady. - Is that your son? - Yes, I am. Is that my son... No, that's just weird. It's weirder if it's not your son. Right. No, I don't...
The Lego Batman Movie
White. All important movies end with a white screen.
The Lego Batman Movie
Huh. Looks like you're going to a lot of trouble for little old me. I must be your greatest enemy after all. Right, Batman? - I see what you're trying to do. - And what is that? You're trying to entrap me into a relationship. - Really? - Yeah, and it's not gonna work. Oh, yes, it is. Because I'm inside your head.
The Lego Batman Movie
You can't be a hero if you only care about yourself.
The Lego Batman Movie
The Lego Batman Movie
But you're not who I thought you were.
The Lego Batman Movie
Uh... What do you mean?
The Lego Batman Movie
- Uh-oh. - What do we have here, Batman? It looks like a bunch of relationship comedies. - What's that one? - Must Love Dogs. Must love crying. - Marley & Me. - I love the ending. Oh! Serendipity? We have Serendipity? I love that movie! For a loner, Batman, you sure like movies about relationships! Oh! And look what else I found!
The Lego Batman Movie
Hey, Batman! Joker's home. I'm rubbing my butt all over your stuff. We're going to have to rename this the Butt-mobile.
The Lego Batman Movie
Whoa! Look at this place! Am I being too loud?
The Lego Batman Movie
The Lego Batman Movie
Commissioner Gordon, these monsters, they're too powerful.
The Lego Batman Movie
- Hey, 'Puter. - Yes? Initialize masterbuild music. Right away.