What's your name? Who cares? You're from central Megasaki. I can tell by the accent. You're a short-haired-Oceanic- speckle-ear/sport-hound-mix. You were born in a storm-sewer on Bamboo-shoot Holiday six years ago today. Do you know me? I... I don't... I don't know. I'm your older brother by five minutes. It's been a long time, Chief.
Isle of Dogs
Some say a few lost-dogs continue to roam and scavenge on Trash Island. However, these rumors remain unconfirmed.
Isle of Dogs
He's come from all the way across the island. Get him a cup of sewer-water, Chico. Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm.
Isle of Dogs
As you know, we all hate dogs. Chairman Fujimoto-san, President of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical. You secretly introduced mega-quantities of infected fleas and contagious tick-larvae into a metropolitan city center, creating an unprecedented animal-disease out-break. Thank you. General Yamatachi-san, Commander of the Megasaki Municipal Task force. You oversaw the deportation of over 750,000 caged-animals to a nearly uninhabitable off-shore refuse-center. Good work. Supervisor Kitano-san, Director of Kobayashi Robotics. You developed the most promising artificial life-form in the history of corporate-technology, and a powerful new weapon, to boot. Well done. Yakuza Nakamura-san, Head of the Clenched-Fist Gang. You eliminated all Pro-Dog opposition through the use of bribery, extortion, intimidation, and violent force. My compliments. Brains have been washed. Wheels have been greased. Fear has been mongered. Now we prepare for the final stage of our conspiracy-theory: the permanent end to the Canine Saturation-Crisis.
Isle of Dogs
Let's hope that new kidney works.
Isle of Dogs
Come in. Master Atari... Can you hear me? Huh?
Isle of Dogs
I got it. You're right, Babs. We need to stick together. Literally. Robin, quick. Give me a boost. On it, Padre. We're gonna stick together, using our heads, and the most powerful weapon of all. Shredded abs. Let's do this. - Meow, meow. - Yeah, let's do this. - Ready? - Here we go. You got this, Alfred? Yes, sir. Abs of steel. Great! Now you bend, and I'll grab the other side! No! - Batman, what's going on? - Are you okay?
The Lego Batman Movie
I think I'll need snowshoes. Yeah, I don't think you'll need snowshoes, but could you grab that flashlight? - Batman? - Padre? Sir? What are you doing? Hey, Batman. Please, wait! 'Puter.
The Lego Batman Movie
Yes, sir? I'm locking in some coordinates now.
The Lego Batman Movie
Hey, guys! It's my first family photo!
The Lego Batman Movie
How many times I gotta tell you?
The Lego Batman Movie
Didn't it turn out great?
The Lego Batman Movie
Oh, I am so sorry. It was all my fault, I keep doing that. Welcome to the Phantom Zone, bad guy. What are you talking about? I'm not a bad guy. But you're all in black. You have a cape. And you wear a big, scary mask. Well, I'm not. And you kicked me in the face. Listen, I'm Batman.
The Lego Batman Movie
Oof! You even sound like a bad guy. I swear, I am a good guy. Okay, Mr. Batman. Hold still while I scan you.
The Lego Batman Movie
When I saw you working with your friend-family, I actually thought you'd changed.
The Lego Batman Movie
- No, no, no! - Please? - No. - Padre?
The Lego Batman Movie
Okay, guys. Game plan. Joker's taken the Projector - to Wayne Manor. - Wayne Manor. Right. Thanks, Batman. - We need that Projector. - Projector. Or there's no way - to blast these monsters... - Monsters. - ...back to the Phantom Zone. - Phantom Zone? Yep. Batman, I really don't need you to finish my... - Sand castles. - No. - Sister's homework. - No. - Succulent something. - No.