What is your problem? Just leave me alone! Sir, reporting high levels of sass!
Inside Out
Inside Out
- Whoa! - Whoa!
Inside Out
Riley has no Core Memories. No Personality Islands and no... (GASPS) What? What is it? You. You're not in Headquarters. Without you, Riley can't be happy.
Inside Out
FEAR: Did you see that look? JOY: Oh, no. They're judging us!
Inside Out
(TIRES SCREECHING) Well, this is it. The new place.
Inside Out
DISGUST: Emotions can't quit, genius!
Inside Out
Come live with me, Riley. (GRUNTS)
Inside Out
Inside Out
So, as it turns out, the green trash can is not recycling, it's for greens. - Like compost. And eggshells. - Mmm. And the blue one is recycling. - MOM: And the black one is trash. - Riley is acting so weird. Why is she acting so weird? What do you expect? All the Islands are down. Joy would know what to do. That's it. Until she gets back, we just do what Joy would do! Great idea. Anger, Fear, Disgust, how are we supposed to be happy?
Inside Out
If you want to walk the long way, go for it. But Riley needs to be happy. I'm not missing that train. Bing Bong knows what he's doing. JOY: He's part dolphin. They're very smart. SADNESS: Well, I guess.
Inside Out
- What is going on? - We're abstracting! There are four stages. This is the first: Non-objective Fragmentation! All right. Do not panic. What is important is that we all stay together. Oh!
Inside Out
And... a left and then another... left and... Uh, are you sure you know where we're going? Because we seem to be walking away from Headquarters.
Inside Out
We just have to get back to Headquarters, plug the Core Memories in, and Riley will be back to normal.
Inside Out
(ALL GASP) No! Wait! Stop it! No! Ah! No!
Inside Out
There's Déjà Vu. There's Critical Thinking. There's Déjà Vu.