There he is, he's up there on the roof. It wasn't easy. - Benjamin! - I can see everything! - I can see the big river! - That's right, you can see everything, sweetheart. I can see the graveyard where Mama's buried, - and all those other people. - I want you to come down! - What if I could fly? - I knew a man who could fly.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
All fathers want to do is hold you down.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
I think so.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
I'd never seen a hummingbird that far out to sea.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
They built the train station in 1918.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
My baby.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Always had a healthy curiosity.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Papa said there were people everywhere.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
- Now, you're a seaman. - A sailor. I hope you won't think me impolite, but I have to ask, aren't you a little old to be working on a boat? There's no age limit, as long as you can do the work.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Go on. Say your prayers, hear?
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
He was married to a Creole of Evangeline Parish and they had a son.