Mar. - Did you hear me? - I was all by myself. For three whole hours. The next time you make a promise, try and keep it. You gotta be kidding me, right? Go to hell. And you can go to sleep on the fucking couch!
The Devil's Advocate
Maybe a note that... made fun of Mr. Gettys? - No. - No? Never called him a disgusting pig monster?
The Devil's Advocate
Would you excuse us for a moment, please? - Sure. - Come on, Kevin.
The Devil's Advocate
I've had some sympathetic juries. That's exactly what we're looking for. We want you to come to New York, help us pick a jury.
The Devil's Advocate
We had this little office in the condo... - Thanks. - Mm-hm. You know, his side and my side. Real nice. At night, I'd go to sleep, I'd see that light on...
The Devil's Advocate
We've been over this. I'm trying to picture it. Your hand... Your hand came from... inside and underneath?
The Devil's Advocate
This is the first time since I've been 13 years old I don't have a job... or two. I feel like I'm floating around in that place. You know, just drifting around or something.
The Devil's Advocate
We need to talk, Kevin. Something's come up. But first I want you to find Heath and Eddie Barzoon.
The Devil's Advocate
Eddie was right.
The Devil's Advocate
I promise.
The Devil's Advocate
Enjoy yourself. You still got time. There's a train coming the other way. You'll just catch it. You'll thank me in the morning. - You ain't right, man. - Oh, I'm right. You'll see.
The Devil's Advocate
You're under oath, Barbara. A man's career... his reputation... his life is on the line. This is not a joke. Have you ever played the game "Special Places"? Yes. Is this game sexual in nature?
The Devil's Advocate
The Devil's Advocate
He's not sure. He thinks it could be some kind of hormonal imbalance. I'm taking you off the case. What? I want you to drop this case. This case? Cullen? - I've got a jury showing up. - Do you love this woman? - Of course I do. - Then what are you doing? She's sick. Everyone will understand. I'll understand. What about Cullen?
The Devil's Advocate
I'm having a drink.
The Devil's Advocate
Go on, Barbara. We go back to our homeroom for dismissal. Unless you have a pass for sports or something. Is that what you did on the day in question? No. Mr. Gettys asked me to stay after class. What happened next, Barbara? He told me to sit in the chair beside his desk. Barbara. If you will, in your own words, tell us exactly what happened... in the next few minutes.
The Devil's Advocate
What am I going to do?
The Devil's Advocate
You don't have time to shop, Mr. Cullen. Jury selection started today at every breakfast table in the city. This is what people know: Three dead bodies. You discover the crime. You call it in. You've got blood on your person and clothes.