- How can you do that? - SARAH: It is right. If we don't do it, they will gather force and be over here cutting us all into chops within the year. You are of a sweet disposition and have suffered blows, so desire safety and favor above all else.
The Favourite
If he dies? SARAH: Did you not sacrifice your cunt to fatty German to save your father? - Yes. - SARAH: There's always a price to pay.
The Favourite
Can I ask you something? As long as you are aware that I have a gun.
The Favourite
The Favourite
SINGER: ♪ Eternal bands ♪ ♪ Till the snakes ♪ ♪ Drop, drop ♪ ♪ Drop, drop ♪ ♪ Drop, drop ♪ [MUSIC STOPS]
The Favourite
The Favourite
How goes the kingdom? ♪ Music ♪ ♪ Music for a while ♪ ♪ Shall all your cares beguile ♪ ♪ Shall all ♪ ♪ All, all ♪ ♪ Shall all ♪ ♪ All, all ♪ ♪ Shall all your cares beguile ♪ ♪ Wondering ♪ ♪ Wondering ♪ ♪ How your pains were eased ♪ ♪ Eased ♪ ♪ Eased ♪ ♪ And disdaining to be pleased ♪ ♪ From their eternal ♪ - ♪ Eternal ♪ - [SOFT, INDISTINCT CHATTER]
The Favourite
I have searched my heart, and I did not have trust in it, and that is my shame.
The Favourite
If you offer me tea, you will forgive me if I don't accept.
The Favourite
I could not just stand by and let you destroy me.
The Favourite
We do not have to fight anymore. Is that not grand?