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HARLEY: What ya having, K.C.?
Suicide Squad
Where is she?
Suicide Squad
Thank you. You're a good man.
Suicide Squad
RICK: A witch.
Suicide Squad
Remember, I'm watching.
Suicide Squad
Straighten up.
Suicide Squad
Come on, do the bastard.
Suicide Squad
Alpha, Bravo team. Mount up!
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
So now we have the man who never misses. Where'd you put him? Let's just say, I put him in a hole and threw away the hole.
Suicide Squad
Are you the Devil? Maybe.
Suicide Squad
What? I want that. She trying to play games with you, man. - It's not real! - He's right. It's not real.
Suicide Squad
That was our main satellite uplink.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
RICK: While we're fighting, that thing's laying waste to the whole damn world.
Suicide Squad
Hey, guys. I'm back!
Suicide Squad
Stay evil, doll face. Spread the word.
Suicide Squad
Man, I thought love was bullshit. Dead serious.
Suicide Squad