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Alpha, Bravo team. Mount up!
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
So now we have the man who never misses. Where'd you put him? Let's just say, I put him in a hole and threw away the hole.
Suicide Squad
Are you the Devil? Maybe.
Suicide Squad
What? I want that. She trying to play games with you, man. - It's not real! - He's right. It's not real.
Suicide Squad
That was our main satellite uplink.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
RICK: While we're fighting, that thing's laying waste to the whole damn world.
Suicide Squad
Hey, guys. I'm back!
Suicide Squad
Stay evil, doll face. Spread the word.
Suicide Squad
Man, I thought love was bullshit. Dead serious.
Suicide Squad
The mission's not over. Nah. It is for me. We had a deal.
Suicide Squad
How about a little something from the weapons ministry vault in Tehran?
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
With my heart returned, I can finish my weapon.
Suicide Squad
RICK: Hit them!
Suicide Squad