Mmm? Yes. Careful. Do not say this oath thoughtlessly. Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes power. Do you want this? I do. Say it. Say it. Say it. Pretty, pretty, pretty... Please. Aw! God, you're so... Good.
Suicide Squad
Oh, you! You're not leaving me. You're not leaving me! You're a pain in the ass. I have done everything you said. Every test, every trial, every initiation. I have proved I love you. Just accept it. Got it, got it, got it, got it. I am not someone who is loved. I'm an idea. - A state of mind. - (TRUCK HONKS) I execute my will according to my plan. And you, Doctor... - Are not part of my plan. - (TRUCK HONKING) Just let me in. I promise... Let me in! I promise I won't hurt you. A promise-promise? Hey, dickface!
Suicide Squad
With my heart returned, I can finish my weapon.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
We're criminals. You know that, right? Yeah. It's great.