Sour Bill, I'm going out. You're in charge of the castle until I get back.
Wreck-It Ralph
Pretty shiny. Ooh! And it says "Hero" on it? Uh-huh. And you say you win it by climbing a building? - And fighting bugs! - Right, bugs. Listen. Is there any chance I could go with you to your game and you know, maybe get one of those medals? - Negatory. - Does that mean maybe? No! Look, only the bravest and the best serve in our corps. Bug!
Wreck-It Ralph
They call you Sour Bill for a reason.
Wreck-It Ralph
In front of you!
Wreck-It Ralph
It's game over for both of you.
Wreck-It Ralph
That's not funny enough. Harder! Look, you're a nice guy. I can't... No, ma'am! The arcade is depending on us. Now do your duty. That's an ord...
Wreck-It Ralph
The pot goes to the winning racer! Hey, kids! Can I talk to you for a second?
Wreck-It Ralph
Ralph, look!
Wreck-It Ralph
I'm bad, and that's good.
Wreck-It Ralph
Hope you're happy, junkpile. This game is going down, and it's all your fault. My lady, you came back. Can it, Fix-It! That cy-bug you brought with you multiplied. No. It died in the taffy swamp. Believe me, I...
Wreck-It Ralph
Fix-It, Wreck-It, the arcade's about to open. Let's move 'em out.
Wreck-It Ralph
- Drive into the wall! - What? Right there, between the two sugar-free lollipops! - Are you crazy? - Just do it!