Thought it would be a very respectful gesture, sir. - I hope you approve. - That's cool. But you still need to make a honest woman out of my baby girl there. Uncle Mike, ready to hold the baby? Oh, mm-mm. No. Uncle Mike don't want to catch that.
Bad Boys for Life
- Okay? - Okay.
Bad Boys for Life
Don't be sad for his death.
Bad Boys for Life
I remember your first date with Megan, and trust me, me and Marcus did everything we could possibly do to make sure you never came back. But I'm telling you, love is hard. And your relationship will be tested. And your father and I have weathered storm after storm. And we have a mantra that we say to each other in our darkest days, and it always seems to bring us back together. And, Reggie, Megan, I would like to share it with you.
Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life
My son.
Bad Boys for Life
I told you he was an athlete. - We gotta jump. - I'm not jumping. - He's getting away! Jump now! - Shit!
Bad Boys for Life
That woman... was a stone-cold killer.
Bad Boys for Life
The spirit of your father is free from the bars that confined him.
Bad Boys for Life
Hey. How deep you think you got in his soul? Sometime you gotta suffer for what is right. Don't you turn that other cheek. - Get off me! - All right.
Bad Boys for Life
We got a special guest in the house! It's his birthday! Let's wish him a birthday on one! Three, two, one. Happy birthday! We love you, Zway-Lo! Hey! Yeah! - Zway-Lo! Zway-Lo! - Top of the world, baby! - Zway-Lo! Zway-Lo! - Happy birthday, dickhead.
Bad Boys for Life
Oh! Oh! Oh!
Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life
Chose the badge, and I've been choosing it ever since.
Bad Boys for Life
Yo, Mike, careful!
Bad Boys for Life
You work for me now.
Bad Boys for Life
First off, Reggie, I am shocked that you are even still here.