There we go. - All right. - Oh, my God. - Wow. - You guys. - There it is. - Yes. Now... it's time to raise your glasses... - to our new captain. - To our new captain. Hey, my mom says hey. Oh, you're not gonna let me live that down. Oh, and, guys, I got some news for you. I just started therapy. My therapist thought it'd be beneficial if maybe we could hit up a group sesh together. - It's super sick. - Oh, for sure. - Definitely. - Yeah, we will be there. - Marcus, let me holler at you. - Yeah. Uh, let me think about it. - He want us to go to therapy. - Yeah, I'm not going. Ha, I'm not going. Hey, man, look, um... We don't say this kind of shit to each other, man, but just... thank you.
Bad Boys for Life
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. - Whoa. Hey. - Hey.
Bad Boys for Life
Hey. ♪ Bad boys, bad boys ♪ ♪ Whatcha gonna do? ♪ ♪ Whatcha gonna do When we come for you? ♪
Bad Boys for Life
Who in the hell wanna sing that song? ♪ Good men, good men What you gonna do? ♪
Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life
Come on.
Bad Boys for Life
I guess Barry gets to have all the fun.
Bad Boys for Life
Oh, Mike, I'm slipping. Come on!
Bad Boys for Life
I mean, you could, if you wanted to, just do the speed limit. You let a Prius pass us.
Bad Boys for Life
There. Black pickup truck. - That's our H-77 Boyz. - Who are they? These guys are definitely from out of town. Trying to step up. I need wide angle, whole deal.
Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life
It's a big one.
Bad Boys for Life
Ask the horse? Huh. Exactly. Yes! Yes!
Bad Boys for Life
- Oh, shit. - What you got? It's like an angry white man's basement in here.
Bad Boys for Life
Hey! Hey, ass licker. I'm gonna fast-food fist-fuck you. Sir, that's just nasty. Now, I recognize that this is a difficult situation. - Don't come over here. - Don't go over there, Marcus. We just need your client's receipts. - What? - Booker Grassie. - Any record of...? - Unh!
Bad Boys for Life
I ran a suspicious financial report on Booker. All his LLC fronts have the same accountant. Picante Jenkins, CPA. Yep. You don't meet too many Picantes.