You see that? Drop it. Let's go! Let's go! What you gonna do? - Hasta el fuego. - Whoa. No "el suego." That means fire, right? - Cállate. - No, no "cate." You and this man need to talk. - It's life-changing shit. - Shut the fuck up. - Easy on the barrel! Easy! - Marcus, relax. Mike, it's lack of communication that got this shit fucked up. He needs to tell you something. You ain't gonna like it, but you need to hear it.
Bad Boys for Life
Go! Go, go, go!
Bad Boys for Life
Booker Grassie. Only arms dealer in Miami customizing for the P90 Herstal. - What'd I tell you? - I know. I'm not supposed to investigate my own case. But this fool posted a video of him trying to kill me. I saw it. I can go after him vigilante style, or you can bring me in. Or I could shoot you myself.
Bad Boys for Life
That's the right spot for me right there. Oh, excuse me, sir. Seat right there. Let me get by you. Watch your toes. Watch your toes there. It's all right. There you go.
Bad Boys for Life
Taken care of him. Mm. Like you took care of me?
Bad Boys for Life
Thattagirl, Callie! Make them wanna play soccer!
Bad Boys for Life
- Put your glasses on! - What the hell was that? That was a bad throw!
Bad Boys for Life
This is a sign. It's a sign from God. Oh! Oh, shoot. She knows. She always knows.
Bad Boys for Life
Get me body cams.
Bad Boys for Life
This is some real telenovela shit.
Bad Boys for Life
Sir, if you keep moving, I'm gonna shoot you in your face. - No, he's not. - Yes, I am! Mike, the man is an accountant. We just need to talk to him. So you wanna have a conversation with a coked-out orange mountain? Here's the latest figures. Look, let me handle this, okay? Just back up. I'm gonna penetrate this man's soul with my heart. What? Yeah. Watch and learn.