We can take it from here. Take me to the Ice Box, please! Anywhere's better than here. DEADPOOL: Believe me, son, you do not wanna go to the Ice Box. That place makes Hitler's anus look like Waikiki. Let's get you inside, young man. No, wait, wait. Wait. You guys stay there.
Deadpool 2
That gun is amazing! [GRUNTS] [TIRES SCREECHING]
Deadpool 2
Peter. PETER: I got you, buddy! You're gonna be fine! This is not good, man! You got this, big guy! Here we go, Peter! Look at me. We're X-Force, right? Yeah, we're X-Force. We're X-Force.
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
Hi, Yukio. Hi, Wade! [CHUCKLES] And you...
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
DEADPOOL: What do you get when you take eight feet of chrome... one pinch of courage... a cup of good luck... a dab of racism... a splash of diabetes... and a wheelbarrow full of stage four cancer? Answer: a family. See? I didn't lie what kind of film this was. If there's anything you take away today... other than the need to Google, "What the fuck is dubstep?"... it's that we all need to belong to someone.
Deadpool 2
These restraints are pretty... People think they understand pain. They have no concept of it beyond their own worst experience.
Deadpool 2
They will not replace us. What do you say we go fuck some shit up? "Let's fuck some shit up" is my legal middle name.
Deadpool 2
No. It's his "Basic Instinct." What can we help you with? I'm here to proposition you.
Deadpool 2
Don't feel bad. Even I can't kill me.
Deadpool 2
Sound familiar?
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
Here we go.
Deadpool 2
Hang the laundry out at 1,300 feet... intercept the convoy, and grab the boy. Let's bring on the carnage, baby! Get me on the ground, watch me go! ALL: Yeah! [ALL WHOOPING] I can't wait to kill! Hey! Hey! Hey! I just wanna say how proud I am of this team. You know, you guys look amazing! Vanisher, I have no doubt you look amazing too. This is the family that I've always dreamed of having and I...