- Right. Pick him up, lads. - Yes, sir. If you don't mind.
Sherlock Holmes
I see you're the attending physician at Blackwood's hanging. Yes. It was our last case together and I wanted to see it through to the end.
Sherlock Holmes
Now, 5 minutes here and we'll go home. Our home. Get up those stairs.
Sherlock Holmes
You're early.
Sherlock Holmes
No, but I don't care much what you think. I simply wanted to know the location of Blackwood's ceremony... and you've given it to me. I've told you nothing.
Sherlock Holmes
But it's not murder, Mr. Holmes. It's mercy. We are giving the weak masses a strong shepherd. Don't you see that it's for their own?
Sherlock Holmes
I'm curious, Coward. Did you assist Blackwood in all the murders... or just the one I prevented?
Sherlock Holmes
I could deduce very little from my investigation.
Sherlock Holmes
Where's the inspector? He's getting his troops lined up. That could be all day.
Sherlock Holmes
We've one for the doctor... and one for the rope.
Sherlock Holmes
Were there powder burns on his eyebrows? Indeed, sir.
Sherlock Holmes
Dear, my legs have fallen asleep. I should come down. John, shouldn't we help him down? No, no, no, I hate to cut him off midstream. Carry on. Well, the executioner attached it to a harness... allowing the weight to be distributed around the waist... and the neck to remain intact. My Lord, I can't feel my cheeks. Might we continue this at ground level? How did you manage it, Holmes?
Sherlock Holmes
Yet none of this explains Blackwood's lack of pulse. Right. Now, the medical mystery. We must restore your reputation, Watson. There is a toxin refined from the nectar of the rhododendron ponticum. It's infamous in the region of Turkey bordering the Black Sea... for its ability to induce an apparently mortal paralysis. Enough to mislead a medical mind even as well-trained as your own. - It's known as... - What's wrong with Gladstone? Mad honey disease.
Sherlock Holmes
- What is it is this time, Clarkie? - It's one of our sergeants, sir. He went missing the day you stopped Lord Blackwood. I'm afraid sewage workers found his body just this morning, sir.
Sherlock Holmes
I managed it with braces, belts and a coat hook. Please, my tongue is going, I'll be of no use to you at all. - Worse things could happen. - John.
Sherlock Holmes
Doctor. Miss Mary.
Sherlock Holmes
There is consolation in the knowledge that he could be of service to his fellow man.
Sherlock Holmes
- In here, chaps. - Where would you like me... - to put him, sir? - Anywhere is fine.