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[Horn Honks] [Horn Honks] Oh, no.

Independence Day

Hasn't anyone told you?

Independence Day

What happened, Mommy?

Independence Day

They look a little nervous. I'm gonna need all flight crews to report to their designated areas immediately.

Independence Day

There's no shame in hiding. Oh, I better call my mother.

Independence Day

Yes, sir.

Independence Day

Take these.

Independence Day

Dr. Okun.

Independence Day

We got the bastards. Yeah! Good job, everyone. Congratulations. [Applause And Cheering] Commander, do you have visual? I repeat, we need visual confirmation. Has the target been destroyed?

Independence Day

Please tell me we're gettin' somewhere. Oh, there's good news, and there's bad news. All right, what's the bad news? The bad news is that you're in meal penalty for disturbing my lunch. And the good news is you're not gonna charge me. Uh, no. The good news is that I've found the problem. It's not our equipment. There's some kinda weird signal embedded in the satellite feed. And that's the good news? Yeah, 'cause this signal has a definite sequential pattern, so as soon as I find the exact binary sequence, then I can calculate the phase reversal with that analyzer I built you for your birthday and apply it, we should be able to block it out completely. And then we'll be the only guys in town with a clear picture?! Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, David, that's why I love you! I know. That's unnecessary. Oh, yes! Yes! You're too kind.

Independence Day

Here it is.

Independence Day

That's the advantage of being a fighter pilot. In the Gulf War, we knew what we had to do.

Independence Day


Independence Day

Let's bring it home. Let's bring that bad boy home, Captain. You loose? Yes, sir. You got your victory dance? Well, I got it right heeere. Yeah! Hey, hey. Don't get premature on me, soldier. We don't light up till the fat lady sings. I'm all ears, brother.

Independence Day

They're a little young. That they are.

Independence Day

Hey, Russ, I heard you had a little trouble this morning. Dusted the wrong field. I know you're probably still a little confused from your hostage experience. Hostage experience? Did something happen to you, Russ? Oh, yeah. Seems years back, our boy was kidnapped by aliens. Did all kinds of experiments on him. Tell them about it, Russ. Get a couple beers in him, he'll tell you all about it. Crazy stuff. Won't you, Russ? Russ... when they took you up in their spaceship, did they do any... sexual things, do you recall? Do you recollect? Ha ha ha! - Ha ha ha! - Ha ha ha! Oh, Russ! Ha ha ha ha ha! [Rumbling]

Independence Day

TV: Ladies and gentlemen... ladies and gentlemen, we are interrupting our regular broadcast to bring you extraordinary events taking place in the Russian Republic. This unexplained disturbance and the hysteria that it's causing are incredible. Woman: How would you describe what you're seeing? It is clearing the mountains... moving too slowly to be a comet or meteor. Widespread panic has gripped the countryside as thousands have taken to the streets. It is confirmed. The unexplained phenomenon is headed for Moscow. Mr. President, we have an AWAC off the West Coast. ETA with contact point: three minutes. I don't understand it, sir. Side radar doesn't see it. I know. It's blind, sir. Nothing is registering. Negative. We have zero visibility. Visibility is at... zero. Command, this is Eagle Eye 37 0. General Grey: Captain, the president is listening. Repeat what you just told me.

Independence Day

Barry Nolan On TV: ..." it could only happen in California" file, here's Wendy Walsh with a special report. Wendy Walsh: Below us, we can see hundreds of UFO fanatics who have gathered on rooftops here in downtown Los Angeles to welcome the new arrivals. Oh, God! I hope they bring back Elvis! I just came in to get my check tonight, and I got talked into working. Oh, I must have been tripping. TV: It's being called the party event of the century, and everyone is invited, especially you know who. This is so cool. Girl, please. Oh, hey. I made it before I came in tonight. Check it out. Now I know you're not thinking about joining those idiots. Oh, I am going over there as soon as I get off. You want to come? Tiffany, listen to me a sec.

Independence Day