100 k-grams of refined coaxium? Yes. We will simply steal it from somewhere else. From where? You'll be hard pushed to find that anywhere outside an Imperial vault. Scarif. Maybe Mercy Island. That's impossible. So, let's come up with some other options. Other ideas that we might... What about unrefined?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You must have experience with these, right? Yeah, I could take it off. Fantastic! Along with five percent off your cut.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
What should we drink to? Let's drink two and see where it goes.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
What do you fly?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I really was gonna learn to play that valachord. I know.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Excuse me. I need to use this terminal. Hello?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I am sorry, kid.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Hope I see you around sometime.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Oh, come on, Val! He looks so sincere. Plus, have you ever tried to disinvite a Wookiee to anything? Not a good idea! This is not funny! Look, now, I have great instincts about these guys.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
This is why you never let anyone fly your ship. Come on!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Do not join the line if you don't have a boarding pass. No access without ID chip.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You look good. A little rough around the edges, but good.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Assume everyone will betray you and you will never be disappointed.