Sarah Connor? It's Lieutenant Traxler. Don't put me on hold. Don't transfer me to another department. I won't. Can you tell me where you are? - I'm in this bar called Tech Noir. - I know it. It's on Pico. - Are you all right? - Yeah, but I don't wanna leave. - I think there's a guy following me. - Now, listen carefully. You're in a public place so you'll be safe. Stay visible. Don't go outside. - I'll have a car there in a minute. - OK.
The Terminator
This is one-L-19. I got a hit-and-run felony. Suspect vehicle - Iate model grey Ford headed westbound on Seven. He's really moving - punching lights. I'm gonna need an ambulance at Seventh and Broadway right now. Hold it.
The Terminator
I'm a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told she's here. Could I see her? No. Can't see her. She's making a statement. Where is she? It make take a while. If you wanna wait, there's a bench over there. I'll be back.
The Terminator
Come with me if you wanna live.
The Terminator
Hey, that guy didn't pay.
The Terminator
Come on!
The Terminator
Hold on.
The Terminator
That's good. All right. Six more like that and I'll get started on the fuses.
The Terminator
What's difficult is trying to decide what to tell you and what not to.
The Terminator
You must've had a fun childhood.
The Terminator
You're terminated, fucker.
The Terminator
Very gently.
The Terminator
The Terminator
No, I can't tell you where I am, Mom. I was told not to say. I need to know where to reach you. You tell me to hide out at the cabin and you won't tell me what's going on? I am worried sick here.
The Terminator
Shit. These killings occurred in the order of their listings in the phone book. - What can I tell you? No comment. - But, Lieutenant...