- See that guy? - Hold it right there. - He's rabbiting. - Hey! I said hold it! Go.
The Terminator
Hey, buddy, did you just see a real bright light?
The Terminator
So you're a soldier. Fighting for whom?
The Terminator
Why didn't you bring any weapons? Something more advanced. Don't you have ray guns? - Ray guns. - Show me a piece of future technology. You go naked. Something about the field generated by a living organism. Nothing dead will go. I didn't build the fucking thing. OK, OK. But this cyborg, ifit's metal... ? - Surrounded by living tissue. - Oh, right. Great stuff. I could make a career out of this guy. See how clever it is? It doesn't require a shred of proof. Most paranoid delusions are intricate, but this is brilliant.
The Terminator
- Sarah, this is Dr Silberman. - Hi, Sarah. Tell him everything Reese told you, Sarah. Do you feel up to that? Yeah, I guess so.
The Terminator
You'll be perfectly safe. We got 30 cops in this building.
The Terminator
Thank you.
The Terminator
The Terminator
You're kidding. The press is gonna be short-stroking it. - A one-day pattern killer. - I hate the weird ones.
The Terminator
- What's this? - Dead girl two. Sent over from the Valley division this afternoon.
The Terminator
The Terminator
Your son gave me a message to give to you. Made me memorise it. Thank you, Sarah, for your courage through the dark years. I can't help you with what you must soon face. The future is not set. You must be stronger than you imagine you can be. You must survive or I will never exist. That's all.
The Terminator
I don't wanna know. So was it John that sent you here? I volunteered. - Why? - It was a chance to meet the legend. Sarah Connor, who taught her son to fight, organise, prepare from when he was a kid. When you were in hiding before the war.
The Terminator
Jesus. See? It passed right through the meat. This is gonna make me puke. - Would you just talk about something? - What? I don't know. Anything. Just talk. Tell me about my son.
The Terminator
- We gotta get you to a doctor. - It's OK. Forget it. What do you mean, forget it? Are you crazy? Take this off.
The Terminator
It's a good field dressing. You like it? It's my first.