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It's not gonna make a difference. I tell you this from the deepest part of my heart. The deepest thing that I ever know in my life, my experience, is that this will not make a difference. Hmm.

Killers of the Flower Moon

So my dead wife has two kids, and they have my name.

Killers of the Flower Moon

Now, Anna...

Killers of the Flower Moon

You met Mollie because of me. You're here because of me. Let me help you. Let me give you my advice, my consultation. Judson, he didn't tell me about a hog sickness that was going on, but now-- I learned my lesson, King. Won't happen again. Just a bad investment, that's all. Bad investment. Mollie?

Killers of the Flower Moon

No, he's-- he's the king of the Osage Hills. He's the nicest man in the world. I know if you cross him - what he could do. - Mmm. No, I'm-- I'm my own man. I do my own work.

Killers of the Flower Moon

- Uh, John? - Yeah, that's me. I got a message for you from King Hale. He wants you to find Acie Kirby and tell him to take care of Bill and Reta, all right? - It's time now, John. - I can't do it right now. My wife's sick. Well, my wife's sick too. My wife's sick too. Why don't you do it? Why are you always trying to get somebody like me to do your work for you? Well, 'cause I don't know-- I don't know Acie Kirby. I don't know what he looks like even, right? I would do it, but I can't do it 'cause I don't know what he looks like, John. - All right. - I'm sorry. All right. I'll do it, but I can't do it right now. You can't get to it right now, so you know, this needs to be done straightaway, not to wait on it, for Hale. It has to be done straightaway. Right now. You know, you're being mighty pushy, Ernest. - I gotta get back to work. - Let me tell you something. You got one more chance, John. This is it. One more chance. I'ma talk to King Hale. I'ma tell him you're gonna do it right now. I don't wanna lose this job. John, you ain't got no choice! It's time.

Killers of the Flower Moon

You did, uh, help Blackie Thompson steal your own Buick in 1921 for the purposes of collecting insurance money on it, didn't you? Uhm-uhm. - You didn't? - Uhm-uhm. I let him use my bucket for a while, but that's-- I told him he could ride around. But, uh... What did he want it for? I don't know what he wanted it fer. That ain't my business. Probably to enjoy hisself. If a man wanted to borrow my car, I might ask him what he wanted it for. Hmm. Someti-- Sometimes people just wanna take a ride. I don't ask no questions.

Killers of the Flower Moon

We are just thrilled. Thank you, Willie. Henry! Oh, Henry. Come on in here. We just got some wonderful news. Mollie is pregnant again. I have a feeling it's a girl. I am never wrong about these things. Congratulations. I can feel it in my bones. ...a baby quilt. We'll pick out colors. We'll go to... Congratulations. We'll go to the dry goods store... Sorry to bother you. Uncle, I just need to have some words with you, please. Of course, Henry. You just go sit over there. I'll be right there. I just gotta talk to them. You go. - Wait for me there. - Thank you.

Killers of the Flower Moon

How is my friend Dah-kah-hee-ke? Your true friend, W.K. Hale." Hale was released in 1947. The parole board cited his record as a good prisoner for his early release, but not everybody was happy. This man, he is being released because he paid off politicians and nobody cares about the Osage lives. Hale was not supposed to set foot in Oklahoma again, but according to relatives, he often visited them.

Killers of the Flower Moon

William Hale and Ernest Burkhart. Have you had any recent contact with Mr. Hale? Yeah, I have. Matter of fact, I have. He got a note to my jail cell. - Asked me to kill his nephew, Ernest. Mr. Thompson. The vilest criminal may rightfully demand a chance to prove his innocence by a jury of his land. Judge not. Yeah, he got a note to my jail cell saying he could help me exscape. And when I got out, take his nephew Ernest to old Mexico and kill him. I sent a note back saying that I wouldn't testify if he got me out. And how did that work out for you? How did what work out for me? Mr. Hale's promise for a grand escape. Shit, I'm sitting here talking to you, ain't I? Damn, it didn't work out too well. Judge not.

Killers of the Flower Moon

No, sir.

Killers of the Flower Moon

It was supposed to be a suicide, you dumbbell. You didn't tell him to leave the gun? I told him to leave the gun. I told him exac-- You told him - to leave the gun? - Just like you told me, King. I don't know why he didn't. I don't know why. I told him just like you told me. You told him to do it in the front of the head? Then why'd he do it in the back? It's so simple. The front is the front, the back is the back! Ma-- He has to make it look like he done it himself! It just looks like murder. It's not supposed to be that way, you hear? I told him the front of the head. Just like this. Just like you told me. I promise you. I promise you. I swear on my children. Don't do that. - Calm down. Settle down. - I swear on my children, King. And don't swear on your children. Makes you look foolish. I ain't. I ain't foolish 'cause I've done it right.

Killers of the Flower Moon

"Dawn was always a sacred time for prayers." "They call the sun 'Grandfather.' The moon, 'Mother.' Fire, 'Father.' They call it the 'Flower Moon' when tiny flowers spread over the blackjack hills and the prairies. There are many. So many, it's as if Wah-kon-tah looked down upon the earth, smiled, and sprinkled it with sugar candy." "Wah-kon-tah means 'God.' You're given your Osage name." "It's how you will be called to the next world.

Killers of the Flower Moon

Yes, sir. Then again, there's just bad luck. Mmm. Anna Brown, nasty mouth. A friend, but a nasty mouth. Bound to happen. Henry Roan, he was a melancholic. You must know that. Then, of course, there was Charlie Whitehorn, one of the nicest people you'd ever know. What about the other dead Osage? Twenty-five, it's gotta be - almost 30 now. - Yeah. Yeah. It seems more like an epidemic than bad luck to me. Yeah, it seems to me you need to speak with our justice of the peace. I did. Uh, I visited with him, and he was not very helpful. He wasn't? Principal Chief? I visited with him too.

Killers of the Flower Moon


Killers of the Flower Moon

Will you do that?

Killers of the Flower Moon


Killers of the Flower Moon

Little Anna's with the Lord now, Son.

Killers of the Flower Moon