Oh, look, sire, the herd is on the move. -Odd. -Mufasa, quick. Stampede in the gorge. -Simba's down there! -Simba?
The Lion King
ZAZU: Oh, Scar, this is awful! What'll we do? What'll we do? I'll go back for help, that's what I'll do.
The Lion King
It was an accident. I didn't mean for it to happen. Of course. Of course you didn't.
The Lion King
Zazu, help me! Your father is on the way! Hold on! Hurry!
The Lion King
-SCAR: Brother. -Brother, help me!
The Lion King
The Lion King
The Lion King
The Lion King
I'm starved. I'm so hungry I could eat a whole zebra.
The Lion King
♪ Nants ingonyama ♪ ♪ Bagithi baba ♪ ♪ Sithi uhhmm ingonyama ♪ ♪ Ingonyama ♪ ♪ Nants ingonyama ♪ ♪ Bagithi baba ♪ ♪ Sithi uhhmm ingonyama ♪ ♪ Ingonyama ♪ ♪ Siyo nqoba ♪ ♪ Ingonyama ♪ ♪ Ingonyama inengw' enamabala ♪ ♪ Se-to-kwa ♪ ♪ Ingonyama inengw' enamabala ♪ ♪ Asana ♪ ♪ Ingonyama inengw' enamabala ♪ ♪ Se-to-kwa ♪ ♪ Ingonyama inengw' enamabala ♪ ♪ From the day we arrive on the planet ♪ ♪ And, blinking, step into the sun ♪ ♪ There's more to see than can ever be seen ♪ ♪ More to do than can ever be done ♪ ♪ There's far too much to take in here ♪ ♪ More to find than can ever be found ♪ ♪ But the sun rolling high ♪ ♪ Through the sapphire sky ♪ ♪ Keeps great and small on the endless round ♪ ♪ It's the circle of life ♪ ♪ And it moves us all ♪ ♪ Through despair and hope ♪ ♪ Through faith and love ♪ ♪ Till we find our place ♪ ♪ On the path unwinding ♪ ♪ In the circle ♪ ♪ The circle of life ♪ ♪ It's the circle of life ♪ ♪ And it moves us all ♪ ♪ Through despair and hope ♪ ♪ Through faith and love ♪ ♪ Till we find our place ♪ ♪ On the path unwinding ♪ ♪ In the circle ♪ ♪ The circle of life ♪
The Lion King
Piquant, with a very pleasant crunch. You'll learn to love them. I'm telling you, kid, this is the great life, no rules, no responsibilities. Ooh, the little cream-filled kind. And best of all, no worries. Well, kid? Oh, well. Hakuna matata.
The Lion King
Hakuna matata What a wonderful phrase Hakuna matata Ain't no passing craze It means no worries For the rest of your days Yeah, sing it, kid. ♪ It's our problem-free Philosophy ♪ ♪ Hakuna matata ♪
The Lion King
What do you want? I'm here to announce that King Mufasa's on his way, so you'd better have a good excuse for missing this morning's ceremony.
The Lion King
Must've slipped my mind. Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as the king's brother, you should've been first in line!
The Lion King
Zazu! And just think, whenever he gets dirty, you could take him out and beat him.
The Lion King
The Lion King
The Lion King
Pouncing. Let an old pro show you how it's done. I told the elephants to forget it, but they can't... -Zazu, would you turn around? -Yes, sire. - The cheetahs are hard up, but... - Stay low to the ground. - Cheetahs never prosper... - Yeah, okay. Stay low to the ground, right? Yeah. -What going on? -A pouncing lesson. Very good. Pouncing. Pouncing? No, sire, you can't be serious...