What? Nebula? -Where are you? -Thank God! We're here to get you out of here. -Out of where? -The High Evolutionary's ship. No, I got off the ship. -You what? -Wait, where are you? On the ship! -On the ship? -I didn't lie. Why are you on the ship? To save you, obviously. No, I told you to go back. You gotta know by now I always figure out an incredibly clever way to get out of a fix. Tell him I said hi. -Really? -Tell him we're coming to save him. Pay attention or play with the kids. One or the other. "Play with the kids"? How did you get out? That's not really important. I am Groot. Jumping a thousand feet to your death without a parachute... is a clever way... of getting out of a fix? You're all just makin' up stuff that he's saying, right? The important thing is... we're all okay. Rocket? Yeah, he's here. And he's okay. Rocket, we love you very much, and we're happy you're alive. Well, that makes you the idiots then. He's right about that.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Locking in and headed down.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Sire, they're here.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
This whole rig is gonna go down any second. They will all die if we don't help them.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
I have a few upgrades courtesy of that gutted badger in the Med-Bay... and we are not risking his life to make yours more convenient. I'm family. So is he.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Move! Move it, bird!
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Okay, Cosmo, stitch it up! It needs to be airtight for the kids to make it across. Locking up, Kapitan.