Found 970 results
Car! He's trying to kill us!
Big Hero 6
It's classic villain. We've seen too much! Let's not jump to conclusions.
Big Hero 6
You know, we should totally go some time. Frolic.
Big Hero 6
Well, technically, it belongs to my parents.
Big Hero 6
They're on a vacay on the family island.
Big Hero 6
You gotta be kidding me.
Big Hero 6
We made it! Yes!
Big Hero 6
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Big Hero 6
Welcome home, Master Frederick.
Big Hero 6
I'm not in the mood for any...
Big Hero 6
A lunatic in a mask just tried to kill us.
Big Hero 6
Listen, nitwit.
Big Hero 6
It's really not.
Big Hero 6
That's French for "front door."
Big Hero 6
Oh. Welcome to mi casa.
Big Hero 6
Where are you going?
Big Hero 6
Freddie, this is your house? I thought you lived under a bridge.
Big Hero 6