Found 641 results
No, son, thank you. You showed us that every man can make a difference. Without Kick-Ass, none of us would be here.
Kick-Ass 2
We were in the ultimate clique. It didn't matter that no one else knew. We knew. And we felt like rock stars.
Kick-Ass 2
There's nothing left you can do to hurt me.
Kick-Ass 2
You don't get it, Dave.
Kick-Ass 2
My name's, um, Simon.
Kick-Ass 2
If I had, too, my dad would still be alive.
Kick-Ass 2
Get that van over here!
Kick-Ass 2
She's still up there!
Kick-Ass 2
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Kick-Ass 2
Justice Forever! I'm glad you got that out of your system.
Kick-Ass 2
Promise me you're not doing anything foolish?
Kick-Ass 2
You're too smart to do anything stupid.
Kick-Ass 2
Oh, Todd texted me. Again. What a loser.
Kick-Ass 2
Let's hope he can handle tonight.
Kick-Ass 2
Very nice. Behind you!
Kick-Ass 2