Found 672 results
I'm part of a bureau that licenses, monitors and polices aliens on Earth.
Men in Black
Place projectile weapon on the ground. You can have my gun... ...when you pry it from my dead fingers. Your proposal is acceptable.
Men in Black
This guy had a serious crush on his cat.
Men in Black
Excellent question.
Men in Black
Took a police report and writ down everything I said...
Men in Black
All right, kid!
Men in Black
- Is this your cat? - It is now. It came in with the body. Dive right in. I'm sure he won't mind.
Men in Black
Don't do it.
Men in Black
Look at this.
Men in Black
You're headed out of town.
Men in Black
So you were the guy in that picture with the flowers?
Men in Black
Can't talk now. My flight's leaving in...
Men in Black
Who you betting on?
Men in Black
And that means what to me?
Men in Black
What's the move?
Men in Black